People go downhill quick.
In 2019 they were vibrant thriving people.
I guess I have 7 or 8 people who follow me religiously.
If I am a book, I guess it would mess it up, I don’t know.
People that treat other people like they are cattle.
Toe straps or cleats take som getting used to.
I am not crazy about ketchup on my burgers anymore.
Maybe with my fries.
When you get a good song, it makes everything else sound good.
In as much as GarageBand is cheating.
Some people really feel it is.
Editing the piano roll seems to bother people.
So many Americans are insane, nobody notices.
It is the new normal.
I don’t exactly fit the culture,
But I wouldn’t mind being established as a hip hop artist.
I like funk.
I like funk and disco.
I don’t care for electronica too much.
I mean I don’t hate it.
It just all sounds the same to me.
If I could make funk and disco,
I would make it all day.
I would never stop.
Figuring out how to do multiple sections has really opened things up.
I don’t really care for drum machines.
That is why I started scrambling stuff.
I can but I have to fail a couple times.
It is ok if it is modulated.
I like the way I play piano.
I have a hard time doing it on carpet.
The notification said you are twice as likely to die in the next decade,
If you can’t stand on one foot for ten seconds.
Modulation is key.
Everything sounds better when you modulate.
I didn’t know how to show all sections.
I figured it out on Truth To Innocence.
I was stuck with one section.
Now I can copy stuff and move things around.
It is so much easier.
I am not going to be accepted.
I have run my mouth too much.
They say if you ain’t making money at this shit,
You ain’t doing something right.
I guess I will put it on YouTube.
I would rather it be on TikTok.
TikTok seems to be honest about how much traffic I get.
I don’t know about YouTube.
I know in my heart I am getting more traffic than that.
I think they are worried I will flip out.
I don’t know why people do me like that.
There must be a reason.
Maybe they are worried about copycats,
I don’t know.
I would rather be on TikTok,
But if they don’t take this one,
I ain’t trying them no more.
I spend a lot of money for the privilege of uploading shit.
If I knew what rhyme or reason there was to things getting rejected,
I could work with it.
Maybe scrambling will fix things.
I hope so.
I hope they decide to have me again.
I wouldn’t want anyone else.
I wish I knew someone who wrote and sung.
I download the m4a’s from Opaque Burger to make sure the links work,
Then I play them in alphabetical order.
The m4a’s come with the artwork and can be grouped by album.
They load up in the music app real nice.
Well it didn’t get rejected.
I am relieved.
I guess I can’t use the loops straight out of the can.
I have to scramble them or they won’t be posted.
I don’t expect a lot cause it is not crazy different.
But it’s doing ok.
I think I did tell people to steal my stuff.
Honestly, it is the only way I will ever hear it on the radio.
If I had considered, I would be a blemish on my father’s record,
I may have done things differently.
When I first started writing a blog type thing,
I would make this inner thought type stuff.
Opaque Burger was the place where I would read what I wrote.
Reverse speech was all the rave back then,
So I listened to what I had recorded backwards.
Sometimes when I would write I would repeat a phrase over and over again.
One time I said “alternate, direct, alternate, direct.”
And it came back as “average inner thought, average inner thought.”
So that is where the name of this blog came from.
I wish they had a geocities place nowadays.
I would put up yzax again.
Maybe it is a diode.
It would be nice to be able to listen at a fuller volume
Without disturbing the neighbors.
If I really did go viral,
I would probably freak out anyway.
I respect a woman’s choice,
But I don’t feel it is a right enumerated in the constitution.
We probably should have codified it a long time ago.
We had 50 years to codify it.
We shouldn’t have waited till it got struck down.
It might take 40 or 50 years for us to get an amendment through,
That would cover things like that.
We can’t wait for this to work or that to work,
We need a permanent solution.
Only a constitutional amendment will be that solution.
It is going to be up to the people.
Don’t put republicans in office.
When you take the middle,
You just end up pissing off everybody.
I don’t think it is right,
And if it were me I wouldn’t do it,
But it is not my decision.
Metallica says “life is ours, we live it our way”
Who am I to say no you can’t.
There are some things, only your conscience can tell you, you can’t do.
I don’t know why I am such a sad person.
Sometimes I feel it is my duty to be sad.
I should be able to not buy it if I don’t want to.
It isn’t my fault I am crucial to her career.
I wonder what some of these people believe now?
I guess it makes it so I can’t see anything.
If you don’t remember how it ends,
It is a new movie to you.
If the right can have trigger laws,
The left can too.
Please, y’all really don’t want me to sing.
I am thankful I can go to Walmart on Sunday.
I don’t think they are going to strike down Loving v. Virginia.
I doubt there is anything still on that phone from Jan 6.
I was sitting at the bottom of a list 1700 lines long.
I never understood how people could watch movies over and over again.
Captions are bad on cnbc.
Getting as far as I did with no ads is probably a big deal.
Moving from alternative indie, to instrumental hip hop, is a big move.
The top 100 is bigger over there.
I should have spent $5 long time ago.
Do regular people go over there though?
Or is it just artists appealing to other artists?
The election had a different dynamic,
But I don’t think it was fraudulent.
Do you think they would have killed Mike Pence?
Do you think they would have killed Nancy Pelosi?
Just because a dog is mean doesn’t mean it is going to bite you.
Just talking about it is wrong though.
There are people in this world, that fear and intimidation are a major part of their life.
I hope my generation isn’t going to wreak the ship.
When I was a kid, it was the republican kids that were intimidating everybody.
That has stuck with me, and I will never vote republican.
I will either vote democratic, or not at all.
And I think there are a lot of people like that.
I don’t remember if I voted in 96.
I didn’t vote in 00, 04, 08, 12, or 16.
Or the off years either.
I will definitely vote if Trump is on the ballot again.
I think he is dangerous, and I don’t like his style.
He was put out of office by people who hadn’t voted in 20 years.
I think Trump and his people thought 00 was going to repeat itself,
And it didn’t.
I think I am involved for some reason,
It is not clear to me why.
I guess that is what happens when you sit on a fence for 20 years.
I questioned whether I made the right decision to vote against Donald Trump.
I think Jan 6 proves that I made the right decision.
I have been reluctant to call it hip hop.
I don’t want to intrude.
Why can’t we just say he won’t run again,
And let’s just end this stuff.
He has been dominating the news since 2016.
I am tired of it.
For some people he is some Christian King given to us by God.
I guess it is weird for someone to start making music in their fifties.
That is what I told them I was going to do.
I guess you could say I actually started in my thirties,
But even that is a little late.
I guess nothing happened back then cause the music was really really bad.
I feel like the radio and television are talking to me.
I feel like I have to respond.
When you knock on a door, do you just knock?
Or do you rat a tat tat?
I am worried future presidents
Are going to have the Secret Service, and their inner circle, politicized.
It seems like they say Trump every 14 seconds.
This stuff needs to end.
I have gotten addicted to CNN.
I need to stop this stuff.
I have wanted to use a computer to make music from the beginning.
It is sick we have gotten so polarized, we can’t do anything.
There is something about hdtv that is messing with people.
My opinions have seriously changed since I switched to CNN.
If you read the blog you can probably tell when I switched,
But I don’t blame CNN for that.
They aren’t the ones who made the news political.
It has become like what brand of cigarettes you smoke.
They think he is dangerous.
They think they need to do this so he can’t run again.
MSNBC is worse.
People should just smoke friggen cigarettes.
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