Friday, October 28

Calm and Fed

I tried. I didn’t want this to happen.  If I had just took a little instruction.

I just wish society had some use for me.

I don’t know about kids though.  You think you can help them but you can’t.  They won’t listen.

My coworkers said I was like working with a child.

I think I was on a cycle. I hope we broke it.

I need a glucometer.

I felt like I was just climbing a mountain, climbing a mountain, climbing a mountain.
I thought one day I would reach a plateau.
When it didn’t happen I just gave up.

Switching to invega from clozaril is affecting my blood sugar
It seems like it’s more coming off the clozaril than going on invega 

Computer operating systems are messy.
You can see all the guts of it.

I think that people’s opinions are being paid for
By agents that don’t wish America the best.
That see democracy as a weekness.
That stand to benefit tremendously if America fails.

What made me not vote for twenty years?
I have already been through this mess.

This is getting old now.
I have had this dream already.

I don’t think the algorithms can tell the difference between the real weather and the fake weather.

Maybe they are testing the weather and arguing about it.

It’s not cheating if you don’t know what you’re doing.

People are either going to learn how to use the internet constructively or they’re not.

Okay, we had a black Democratic president, it’s not the end of the world.

Be thankful we didn’t get Hillary, let’s move on.

I don’t vote Republican, I either vote Democratic, or I don’t vote at all.

They put me in a box and forced me to learn how to use this thing the right way.

What happened to the party that had the patience to overturn Roe v. Wade?

Road kill are the only ones that solve anything.

I like getting myself in a position where it happens because it has to.

And God likes performing miracles, so we fit.

I can’t do it forever, but I might not be able to stop.
God help me.

If you don’t like the SOB don’t vote.
It ain’t the end of the world.

There will be another opportunity.

They don’t give a shit.
They are getting us all worked up because they want to bring down democracy.
People on both sides 

Maybe not the rank and file,
But up at the top, they all have the same agenda.

Fine let the people decide if it doesn’t work,
Don’t make them fight each other like this.

Do you understand the issue people?
Does it work or not?

I’m not captain righteous,
But I’m not Godless.

I assure you, there are Globalists on both sides.

Why don’t I get hate mail?

I tried, I gave it my best.
Maybe I will get some points for trying.
I don’t think anyone else wants to.

Trump isn’t a Globalist?
Come on get real.
Global autocracy is still global.

Follow an elephant or follow a mule.
Don’t follow Trump.

This shit aunt going to feed people in turkey.

I’m looking for a scoreless game that goes into overtime.

I had no idea this music thing was so involving,
People’s heads must be blown all over the place.

From my experience, I think we got cutoff from God somewhere along the line.

It’s not enough to be in key, you have to follow the chords too,
And sometimes you go chromatic and you have no idea what key your in.

Don’t eat anything, drink water, and wait for it to come down.

Maybe a computer can be a glucometer.
It can’t replace God though.

Maybe God will come back

I think we are hardwired to be in communion with God all the time.

I had fun going to Texas.

Even though I hated it there.

People learn the wrong lessons, and think it’s all screwed up.

They just aren’t in communion with God like they are supposed to be.

In my opinion.

The way it happened doesn’t matter to me,
It happened, we have to deal with it.
We have diabetes now.

We could say this did it, or that did it, but that doesn’t change that we have it.
Let God deal with that.

I am worried about how all these people are going to eat.

I guess CNN ain’t part of his algorithm,
Ain’t part of his feedback loop.

We are understanding it together

I wish I could say convincingly that other people can’t do it,
But I can’t.

I tell people I am the only person that can do it but they don’t listen.

Whatever it is I do I don’t know.

I think everyone can use the technology the right way,
I am not talking about that.

It’s this thing about me walking through walls.

He is like a hacker, he can see everything, even if no one is reading it.

Maybe the miracle is the key, but I wouldn’t suggest it.
I need to stop.

I never really played with action figures,
I liked playing in the dirt.
Dig up roots to build highways and shopping malls.

I’ve said that before.

Mom disciplined us because Dad was severely beaten by his father and couldn’t do it.

She didn’t want me to be a bum.

There is no perfect family, you can’t win, it doesn’t help to blame your parents.

I think lead affected me more than they did,

I am trying to be good for something.

I guess I didn’t have the attachment with my mother that the Bible says I am supposed to have.
I don’t know why these Freudians follow the Bible 
Makes no sense to me.
What do families do that don’t have a father.

My ears and memory and stuff aren’t good enough to play the right way.
I can barely remember 8 notes.
I can imagine remembering a dozen songs.

It happened in my minds eye and I wasn’t really there so I can’t say.

I consider, the serpent in the garden, may consider me God.

I am not suppressing anger as much as I am just completely confused.

Routes can sometimes share the same street.

The kings highway might have been there first and other routes later.

It wasn’t a good idea to mix religions.

Hybridization happens, you can’t stop it.

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