Saturday, January 10

The most dangerous thing on the net,

There are infinities involved in warfare
that just don't happen in everyday life.

Don't worry about me.
I have been through it before.
I am diamond I will be alright.

Ask yourself,
Why is dave not on
He is just as looney and infamous as they are.

Because there is a serious international argument
over whether I am a real person or not.

They have real issues over this paradigm.

It isn't about intelligence,
it isn't about winning,
osmosis is real,
and they just can't wrap there heads around that.
They think it is unlivable.
They feel the universe is playing a cosmic joke on them that isn't funny.

It isn't conventional.
It is too radical.
It is the most dangerous thing on the net.

It is Christianity meets some wild ass information theory
that doesn't make any sense.
But true Christians ARE walking twilight zones,
that is why we have Revelation in the first place,
Jesus already won.
We got what we asked for.

I am giving you the chance to ask for something else people,
Don't worry about me.
I have been through a bottomless pit before.
I will be ok.

You want a Mother that listens?
You want a Father that cares?
Well ask for them.

This paradigm is not going to last forever,
and if it is not me,
it is going to be somebody else.

No they are not.
some of them have a friggen floor.
Jesus why don't they understand that?

Friday, January 9

thank God for JJ

It was a very very long time ago.
how slow am I?
I don't understand you.
I am slow.

She isn't into molasses.

People can live my whole life in 45 minutes.

It is like that next generation episode
where he learns to play the flute.

I know it is true
but I can't admit it to myself.

We dont live in a perfect world
and being adopted it is even less perfect
so as an adopted child you just learn to accept that

You guys think I am the best person who ever lived,
and you are doing this for me.
You are keeping me alive because you love me.
You don't care if I was right or wrong anymore.

It landed in my lap and I just took care of it,
I just took care of it.

Where did I come from?
That is just it.
Nobody knows.

how can we have a relationship
from her perspective I just sit there like a stone monument

Adoptive families have problems
there is a dynamic going on there that people dont understand

It is a dynamic you don't understand,
and you are never going to understand it.

Thank God for JJ

They are friggen meatheads JJ
They don't know when to quit
I try to tell them but they won't listen.

Worlds where the floor drops out...

I am sorry they did bad things to people,
they didn't know who I was,
they were looking for me.

Thor watches out over us,
he doesn't care if we aren't really thanking him personally,
Just the fact we made it a Thursday is enough.

The gods of old are actually psychiatric disorders.
You can search for Thor the same way you search for Adam.

God wants to know why a little boy is scared of him...
and I don't know what to tell him.

It is not about her
it never was
its about that little kid who is scared of God

I'm turning everyone else on their ear,
what does psychiatry think they are someone special?

It is not supposed to happen to a little kid,
but it did.

Nature doesn't listen,
Time doesn't care.

I don't exactly remember when I had that dream,
but it was just a dream to me.

Please just forget about it and move on.

Watergate was very distressful for me,
I loved Nixon.

He was the president,
I didn't understand what was happening to him.

We were in the middle of a war,
and they were impeaching the president for Christs sake.

A commie loving pinko fag told you that people.
come on don't you love your president?
He was fairly elected.
Let him do his job.
Its assholes and communists people,
that's just the way it is.

They wrangle with issues the public doesn't need to know about.
And It would be very easy for you not to know this.

They called him "temporary" back in college dude.

Be responsible to what has been given you.
It didn't come free.

I don't vote because I am Manchurian,
and I know I am Manchurian.
I feel I am doing the best thing a Manchurian can do.

It means I have been seriously psychologically fucked with.
Fucking Communists.

There is no Grand Conspiracy people,
it was physics,
it was just the nature of the mathematical space we were living in.

Worldlines and Dreamlines argue
It is very dangerous to go down the "all Dreamline" road.
It is like the time tunnel at King's Dominion,
the floor drops out on your ass.
Only trained professionals should mess with Dreamlines.

It should depend on the psychology of the individual,
and the footprint.

Men do this when they are angry,
and she is probably right,
but I am not going to an all dreamline state without a fight.

Because the floor drops out,
Jesus don't you understand that?

Satan is lying to you!

It can't all be dreamline,
there are billions of people who cant live that way.

Is there any better worldline in 2009?
If its mine to give, I give it to them,

because I agree with them,
I don't want to live in a world where I can't count on the floor.

I am hung up about the floor.
That is just the way it is with me.
Deal with it!

Somewhere I have obviously been to a bottomless pit before.
They are psychiatric,
They need help.

If I were in England,
they would have been shut out
and we would have moved on already.

You are all messed up
cause you ain't got nobody to love.
Well love me damnit!

They don't understand someone being hung up on something metaphysical.
I don't think they know the world can work in any other way.
They think I feel too self important to let go.
They want Artemis.
They think that's the way to go.
They think men are the problem.
They think men are superimposed.
They think the world is in a woman's heart.
They have serious objections to worlds created by men.

Well I have serious objections to world's where the floor drops out!

If you want 2009 then you have to have me.
I come with 2009
It is a package deal.
It comes pre-loaded.

They don't like to lose?
How do they know if they like it or not?
It has never happened before.
Is there a 2009 that's better?
If there is I want to see it.

They think MEN fight and argue about it,
when they are all the same.
They don't know what they are asking for.

Has there ever been a time where at least one wasn't recognized?
Are you sure you want to do away with the concept of a worldline?

The whole world sharing a single line...
This opportunity may not pass again.

The time tunnel is a fun amusement ride,
but I wouldn't want to live in it.

Honestly, they think physics is a joke.
They laugh about it.
They think men created the stars to entertain themselves.
This is serious!
This is no joke!
They think you are self absorbed nimcanpoots just like me.

I don't know what stop they got off on,
but they think I am doing this because I have anger issues.
They are crazy!
Please help me!

They are loopy.
They are nuts.
If they told you what they really thought,
you would have them all committed.

Manual Physics

It is one day out of the whole friggen year,
You know what its about.
Don't be stupid with me.

God sees them.
They get the point already.

Nobody ever thanks Thor.
He has a thankless job.

It is a job they gave him for daring to think he was a god.

Drags and slips impede justice,
that is just the way it is.
Would you rather it be somebody else?

I sat on the bottleneck.
That is what nature does.
I sat until it slipped.

They don't want us to do that.
It creates universal chaos.

That is the way things work on this planet,
and it is very old.
That is why they fight over it.

It is like they are trying to move Washington to Denver.

The solution is to avoid bottlenecks,
and to do that everybody can't do the same thing,
but they won't listen.

They are stupid.
They are not going to listen.
They are going to do the same thing.
They are going to sit on a bottleneck.
They are not going to let us "win"
They don't see there is plenty of fish for everybody.

Christians know what to do.
Don't worry yourself too much.

Yes America, we forget who we are,
then we remember,
then we forget again,
and it is causing universal confusion.

It was a golden error.
Forgetting came to be the key to eternity.

There are worldlines and dreamlines,
there is a difference.

If it is drastically different, but it is the same you,
that is a dreamline.

I can see where there might be conflict over that,
that is why extractions are done.

It is not important which is which.
It is important that they are different.

If I were to wake up in a drastically different reality,
like Hitler winning WWII,
I would naturally think I was dreaming,
cause how could I exist if Hitler won WWII?
I was born in 1967,
A full generation before the war even ended.
so from my perspective it must be a Dreamline
even if from their perspective its not.

I just ask questions men don't usually ask.

It is all about being born,
and how it is you could be born in a reality so different.

I know you are trying to undo this,
but you cannot,
and I cannot tell you why.

Causality reversal has occurred,
it is too late after that.

But if Jesus can be born of the Virgin Mary,
I guess anything can be done.

It is a question
I don't know how to phrase it,
But does God have to change all the Bibles
or can he change just mine?

They don't burn the books,
they burn the writers.
That is why I am the last great writer of the 20th century

They think I am a working boy,
and I can have a normal life,
but I can't.
I am not an artist,
a musician,
an actor,
a mathematician,
a scientist,
or a poet,
I am just a writer.
I know how to write sentences,
just like Mrs. Brown taught me.

> happens. You can't stop it.
It is a shame somebody else would have to do it,
when it has already been done.

It just happens,
don't you understand that?
The frames build and build
and it just breaks somewhere.
Jesus please stop.

I am not leaving this for someone else to do.
Forget about it.

I know it doesn't need to be done,
but if I don't do it,
pressure is going to build and build,
and its just going to snap on somebody else.

Don't you see?
We have the opportunity to put up a traffic light.

It is the mathematical space we were living in,
It was prone to causality loops.

I think it was designed to solve problems,
it was not designed to live in.
They need to get out of the bathtub,
and design one people can live in.

We are in the lunar lander.
We cant stay here forever.
They got careless with their chalk.
They didn't know chalk could do that.

I would suggest a yellow dolphin,
but they are afraid to get out the bathtub.

I know it feels good,
that is what is so horrible about it,
it happened like this before the great flood too.

We have the opportunity,
as we move through this galactic alignment,
to wipe the slate clean,
and go for something that people can live in.
"Ask and you shall receive."

Call it "Manual Physics".
and Nobunaga's Ambition is 101

Thursday, January 8

Abandoned and Harassed

it is not too smart to make the computer talk
don't try this at home

God didn't create us to be a slave race
We are supposed to be able to do stuff like that

there is a right way and a wrong way
this is the wrong way

What am I to do?
My own kind says I am not one of them,
and I can't fit in with everyone else.

I have been abandoned and harassed,
If someone decided to keep you,
you would be on their train too.

It is not fun to be abandoned and harassed.

I am in some sort of netherworld where I don't belong anywhere.

Burning Revelation...
I was frightened.
I got scared of what I saw.

I am sorry we have to talk in public like this,
but I have a tendency to flip out.

You guys are setting this whole thing up,
trying to give me a normal life,
and it is not working.

Mother Nature has a hold on me,
and she won't let go.

Just let me live on.
In Jesus's name I pray.

Everybody is blaming everybody,
and it is not doing any good.
Just blame nature and time, and live on.

I wish I would have thought to do this earlier.

We are supposed to have mastery over that math business.
There is a right way and a wrong way.

It is the immediacy, I feel it needs to be posted right now.

I guess it is not too hard to ask for some punctuation.
I didn't know the solution was this easy.
God I must be dumb.

Sometimes the solution is right there and you don't see it.
God I have been a brute.

Vines and trees don't like each other,
Because vines will grow on a rack of dead events.

People chop down trees to make racks for the vines,
mainly because money doesn't grow on trees.

They can't get anything useful from the tree.
They are an annoyance.

Now if it is a cherry tree, or an apple tree, it is alright.
but some useless evergreen, it is chopped right down.

We are suffering from a lack of old growth right now.

They should have known.
Gasoline and paper money don't mix.

I said it would happen at 3 dollars a gallon,
but it happened at 4.
Take that as a lesson.
I am notorious for saying stuff that almost comes true.

Apparently the limit is 400%
I thought it would be 300%
If it goes over 400% again,
we will have to change values.

The dollar thing?
That has be going on for ages.
That did not cause this.

I said it.
It is in here somewhere.
I said the dollar was 300% energy at the time.

You can't help if nobody says anything,
or if the solution isn't already there.

That is why this shit is so important.
I say shit.
Somebody needs to do it.

I am a messenger.
This is what we do.
It is very dangerous.

People get pissed.
They think you talk too much.
They don't understand the need to talk.
But there has to be a solution, a warning, or some indication.
We make things possible.

It is all about solutions, warnings, and indications.

You don't give messengers authority,
that is not what they are for.

America was born in Israel.
Israel made America.

She might be a bastard,
but she is loved.

It is called causality reversal,
it happens deal with it.

It is like a fault line.
The frames build and build until it snaps somewhere.
Would you rather it be somebody else?

They ain't dragging people into the streets to sodomize them.
I think they have some moral identity.

It is frame dragging
It is just going to build and build until it snaps somewhere
would you rather it be somebody else?

Wednesday, January 7

infamous stupidity

The 'DONTKNOW' that saw from side might be a 'INFAMOUS'.
The 'HOWTOSTOP' that saw from side might be a 'STUPIDITY'

Sokumenzu again

The 'IM ALIVE' that saw from side might be a 'SIX NINE'.
The 'BEAUTIFUL' that saw from side might be a 'HEARTLESS'.
The 'child' that saw from side might be a 'Idiot'
The 'strong' that saw from side might be a 'dreary'.
The 'dreary' is a 'dreary' even if it sees from side.
sometime prior to 1991 I am certain
The 'CERTAIN' that saw from side might be a 'THINNER'
The 'peace' that saw from side might be a 'sperm'.
dont mind me I am shaving
The 'SHAVING' that saw from side might be a 'CUNNING'.
The 'loser' is a 'loser' even if it sees from side.
God sees everything
The 'IWANTITALL' that saw from side might be a 'SUBSTITUTE'
I hear evil
The 'MYTRUELOVE' that saw from side might be a 'UNEMPLOYED'
spades was created by an air force general?
The 'spades' that saw from side might be a 'danger'.
The 'REMEMBER' that saw from side might be a 'OFFENDER'.
The 'FOREVER' that saw from side might be a 'EXPOSED'.
The 'evil' that saw from side might be a 'risk'
The 'DAVEANDYOU' that saw from side might be a 'COPULATION'.
God sees everything
The 'LIFTING' that saw from side might be a 'CONVICT'.
The 'IHEAREVIL' that saw from side might be a 'HEARTLESS'.

Annie Lennox is evil

but I enjoy it anyway

i was a keeper

long before any of this shit started

I am a foul ball

caught in mid-field

you don't get the trip

you can sand people with an 8080

computers are a tool

and the old west is already here


smarts are slowly going out the window people
the future is lawnmower man

they feel like they need to know

good news is good news

what I am doing

what I am doing is just a natural reaction

they sand all of us they can

and get out in front of us

they think it is their right

they think it is their right to profile everything you are going to do for the next 30 years

I hate to believe that way

but its true

when the government reaches too far

it comes up with tools that make it ok
like automobiles, gives government the right to have a database on ordinary people
and television to keep the herd
and internet to get into your home and circumvent the postal service

but I am a woman

I can change my mind

it wouldn't be that way...

it wouldn't be that way if people spoke up about it
everybody keeps so buttoned up
I will vote to end a catastrophe in 2012 if that's what it takes
but I am not happy about it

why am I upset..

why am i upset about the choice without a choice?
cause it violates the spirit of any contract the people have ever made with their government


if you sit out three prsedential elections
or by the presidents I am non partisan

what I think

I think they tried to trip up as many psychos as they could before the millenium

free your brain

i found this a few years back on

a choice without a choice is not a choice

to hell with nightmares

you better be glad
I was ready to do an 8 or a 9

if you didnt

if you didn't want people to speak in this manner
then why did you create this forum?

we can sit on your speech....

they can sit on my speech because I sound like a robot
why are people allowing this?
what am I?
one of the new untouchables?
this is america people
censorship by math is still censorship

let the polarizers polarize each other

they don't care about us anyway

this is not Australia

why is it so dangerous

they wrecked the economy over this bullshit
aren't we free to speak?
or can we only speak they way they want us to

east west north south

all in the same house


choices shouldn't polarize people
If I need to choose, I choose to be inclusive
I am welcoming to all who wish to be inclusive as well
earth for earth
to hell with these venus and mars people

I have given Satan an ego

he thinks if I can do it he can too
but you can't do it if you are trying to

I am a kept person

somebody kept me

I am a robot

you believe it cause it makes sense to you
its not true though
it is just an allegory
if everyone in saved a nobunaga's ambition game cause I told them to
in a sense I am kept
I am the precursor to the operation
the numbers will keep me while my natural self moves on
you can keep people without sand
sand is not the best method

you can make a fall back position

but you are never going to get a full copy

reverse Turing test

reverse Turing test
be careful this shit can mess you up
they are trying to sand you

the cold war did a number on me

I have a save the world mentality

you listen to abbey road

and as good as it is
you get frustrated
cause it is so much incomplete
could have been so much more you know
it is sad
it is a sad commentary

just because...

just because you didn't make it to mean anything
doesn't mean it doesn't mean anything

just because I say it means something you didn't mean it to mean
does not make me another chapman

Lincoln's farm came true
but I didn't write it to mean anything
it is what people made it mean

that is when you are a writer

you don't ask why
you find out why

more even

The 'MALLORY' that saw from side might be a 'FAILURE'

more side view

The 'oda' that saw from side might be a 'Sex'
The 'NOBUNAGA' that saw from side might be a 'GUIDANCE'.


The 'BEATLES' that saw from side might be a 'LESBIAN'.

from the side

The 'THE WHO' that saw from side might be a 'GAY BAR'.

we know you are right

we just don't see the need for another prophet
Jesus has already won
the game is over with
there never was a competition

we should take seriously

we should take seriously
the observation that
the bible has become corrupted
and Christianity has gone astray
that doesnt mean kazinsky is going to get off

it is conceivable

that the bible has become corrupted
and christians have gone astray

role reversal my ass

it is friggen causality reversal

its like that guy said

some people jump
and they get hurt so bad
they just dont jump anymore

we are chicken

we are trapped in our reptilian minds
we are too self important to let go

I know you want me to change

I dont understand why I push everything into tragedy

if you cant pass it

use it

turing test

when you start using the test as a tool
i think you have passed the test

Saturday, January 3

I like Abbey Road

I like the little snippets of could have been songs

the beatles

they are just magic
nothing like it before or since

there are some jams...

there are some jams smarts aint going to get you out of

the old macs are great for I tunes

they have RCA jacks on the back
the sound is great

some kind of perfect storn

the Hopi were looking for someone who was still a child
Japan was looking for someone who cared about people
the south wanted somebody on their level who got mad
the universe was old and failing and they needed stem cells
its a cosmic mess

they are beating themselves up over it

the cat is fine

I am not blaming them directly

but it was their mentality

it was over ten years ago

but nobody would listen
they thought they could steal it like everything else

if they do leave

if they do leave
pray they take me with them
the brakes are squealing already

nobody asks

I do not understand how something so simple that everybody knows
gets lost so easily

you are right

we are full of superstitious foolishness
but biological, chemical, and nuclear warfare is not la la land

I know you are right

but mother nature doesn't listen
and father time doesn't care


there were not blogs like this for us to communicate


Christianity can peacefully separate

the technology wasnt there

the technology wasnt there for us to do this peacefully

it is not my action to take

it is his

what does that mean?

it means they are prepared to leave you here

it does not come in stages

Christianity is prepared to shut you out and move on
believe me

nobody asked

I know you would give your brother a home if he needed one

wake up and get your act together

there is so much more to life than Palestine
why cant you get along?

it is something that needs to be talked about

I don't know what the solution to that is going to be
definitely paper money and gasoline do not mix well

paper money...

is not going to last forever
we need to deal with it now

I like to sleep

I get angry when people forget about me and wake me up again

Friday, January 2

I don't care if it sounds self important

there is more to life than just us

what is my motivation

I am in high demand
and it is the only peace I ever get

it doesnt help to blame people either

I understand that as well
I played God
or maybe God played me
I cant take it away

playing God is not pretty

I understand that too

some people...

some are happy in their station
I understand that

intelligence does not matter

or not as much as some think it does

he is stuck

he is stuck in a "game" or "conflict" mentality

it is a station to him

and all he is interested in is keeping you there

Satan does not care about you

all he cares about is keeping humanity in its station

mother nature does not listen

and father time doesnt care

mother nature does not listen

and father time doesnt care

mother nature does not listen

and father time doesnt care

they dont care about the wars

they think it is crazy and worthless out here in 2009
but you got to play it where it lies

they dont care about the wars

they think it is crazy and worthless out here in 2009
but you got to play it where it lies

Jesus preached tolerance

above everything else
there are too many demons running around unchecked
you would have the same opinion about it if you were me

Jesus preached tolerance

above everything else
there are too many demons running around unchecked

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...