Tuesday, October 9

Marching On Air

What is eureka displacement?
It feels better in the bath tub.

You ain't making no sense either 

It is like you are dangerous.
It is like you are going to get in trouble if you ain't gay

You have to be careful.
Some people will bring a stranger to a party 
Just to see him get beat up.

It is difficult to beach yourself,
When the medication has you marching on air.

Adopted children are more likely than biological children to have special health care needs, current moderate or severe health problems, learning disability, developmental delay or physical impairment, and other mental health difficulties.

I had the bends to begin with,
But I asked God to take it away from me

Restraint is a disease.

Capitalism works?
Slavery worked too.

It is our hemisphere.
We need to do a better job.

Take it to the fire station 

I was disturbed in my sleep screaming the N word.
I am sorry if anyone heard that.
I don't know why that happened.

I have read the Bible.
I see where God gave us the law
I see where God gave us prophets 
I see where God gave us a king
I see where God gave us his son 
Where does God give us the right to vote?

People are knee deep in it
Before they even know what it is about.
And it is intentionally designed that way.

It is an opinion 
Many people feel that way

I feel people are being damaged by the political process
and they have the right not to vote

its sold as being innocuous
and its not

There is a lot of stuff that way

It ain't the 90's

This shit has been dealt with
Move on
Politics has a need to infect everybody.

You can't force people to carry
That's a right people fought for 

Some people are in it
Just to see what they can make you do

I need more than a sky is falling argument

Hopiland will take you if you walk there

I might make it to Petersburg.

Could you make it to Petersburg?

Monday, September 17

The Principal Reaction


What is the principal reaction?

I was hissed at because my t shirt looked like it said "virgin".
I was put forth as an example of what not to be in the whole triangle.

People get drunk
They fuck
What planet do these people live on?
It is like visiting Sodom and Gomorrah 
And bitching about your holiday 
They wouldn't give him any trouble if he was 10 years older

What are women typically delusional about?
Don't like being called delusional?
Welcome to the club.

They don't have any hesitation calling men delusional.

Have you seen what is on YouTube lately?
It would take a whole cultural do over to fix this shit.

That shit makes Madonna look like Madonna.

It ain't happening in a vacuum okay?

How are we supposed to fix it
When we can't even have an honest discussion about it?

I think women have a broader scope than men do.
I think it's entirely possible its left of center,
And he has no recollection of it.

People are going to have to sign a release 
Before going to a party

They think you don't like girls
They think you don't want it
They think something is wrong with you 

There were people there

Paranoia is not vanity

Has anyone else claimed to have caused it?
Would you rather it be someone else?
It is a chair somebody must sit in.

You can't just be normal.
Normal is something that happens to you
And there is no consensus 
If it's a good thing or not
Some embrace it
Some avoid it
I sense it's there but don't really know what it is

People lose their soul as a manner of course 

I am trying to be nice 
But that's what I get out of it

Saturday, September 1

Tormented Pedestrian

told my father back during the George W. Bush admin
That I suspected foreign powers may take my work seriously 
I am labeled schizophrenic 
Who else was I supposed to tell?

I feel the democrats want America to gracefully decline.

It must feel really good.

I would have to let go of everything I am
And I can't do that
I believe in what I believe in

If you had it your way
I wouldn't be me anymore 

I could make pigs fly and nothing would come of it.

this is for millennials
back in the 90's there was this game called seventh guest
it was some sort of trap and people were getting caught in the game
it was treated as a big joke
I can see how people don't like president trump
but a lot of us are still pissed off about it.
I expected different results.

Was I tagged for being insane?
Or am I insane from being tagged?

Money is redemption in America.

there are people in this world who are different
it would be nice if we didnt have to make exceptions for these people.
but sometimes trying to fix it will only make it worse

It is primal
I just don't have the relationship with pleasure 
I am supposed to have

I would have to lose myself to change it

I wouldn't even know how to begin to feel
The way I am supposed to feel

They must have a lot of boats,
And they don't care about this one.

You have access to all my records 
Sue somebody tt

There are plenty of people 
Who probably think their disability check
Is a royalty check

It was romantic hazing
I was angry at women
I took it the wrong way
I can't fix it

Autistic enough to not fit in,
Normal enough for it to be my fault.

People cannot accept the reality of it.
There has to be some sinister foul agenda on my part.

They are sinister and foul themselves 
And they make themselves feel better
Thinking everyone is that way
Or should be

As a phenomenon 
Just because it only need happen once
Doesn't mean it is going to stop happening 

Tuesday, July 31

Smelly Ballet


 It is the loop for the loops sake.
You listen to it until you can't remember 
How many times you have listened to it
It is called lateral repetitions

I don't need an emotional wringer
I have had enough 
More of my share already

What could be so secret about the election 
That they had to redact all that information?

She plays Lucy with the football.
It is her empowerment.
She is never going to stop.

I see children and people strung out on lead.

They either have no respect for you,
Or they think they own you.
You are a demographic.
Have you ever tried to be an individual?
Go ahead
See what happens to you.

It is good to jam
It is better than driving 

You dissipate yourself

Is it a sin to assert yourself as an individual?

You never break new ground 
If people don't go their own way.
Do their own thing.

It is supposed to be some grand fun thing,
And it is not

apparently the root of the word idiot means
one who does not participate in politics

Why would they need to go to Russia to get information in the first place?

I don't think I want to know.
Fill this rabbit hole and move on.

If they can construct the new normal,
Who is going to know the difference?

I have been trying to find a way to lay guitar down over my loops.
I consider now it may have been already been done.

I can't use the editor in GarageBand 
I like audacity

I don't want to piss off Apple,
But if you want to make loops with GarageBand,
You may want to export an aiff
And do the MP3 conversion with audacity 

I don't know 
The songs will sound seamless in the app,
But when you export them as an m4a they aren't 

He would make this jewelry with glass beads,
And it was pretty and took some skill
But nobody would ever pay for it or wear it.
Except him I guess

Satan interrupts people's development 
To make them dependent

The evp means someone is listening to it

Either we have grand ideals that we CAN live up to,
Or we are just monkeys 
You can't have it both ways

Put two side by side, and cut out the middle.

I'm more worried yzax is going to get lost and never rediscovered.

Friday, July 13

Smelly Roses

Please don't talk about medication like that
It is inappropriate 
In evolutionary terms
It was only yesterday we were worshiping idols

I don't know what is being fought over
Or who's side I am on,
But as long as that damn door is open,
There is a war going on.

Sanity is fluid
At best it is made of glass

We are just rejected people 
That is the sad irony of it all

I want to be creative enough 
That it is their loss if they are going to sit on me

I consider it might be the valley of the shadow of death
I can't go back

Give me a few minutes everyday
And listen and to whatever you want to

It is called jamming.

There are beings that don't belong on this plane
That need you to believe in them

If there ain't no rules
There ain't no contracts either 

I ain't against nobody
I am just for the middle ground

Am I to follow her wherever she goes?
Am I to accept what she has assigned for me?

I have been broken 
I am not scared to be alone anymore 

I don't think they appreciate what they are trying to unplug.
We wouldn't be here if Robert faced the other way.

You would have to be at a crossroads in history to understand.

I haven't sought to impose my will on anybody.

I was 17
I belonged to them
They are pissed 

Other people are going to go through this 
And they are going to be
"You don't want to be like Dave do you?"

Monday, June 11

Toxic Opacity

It The  Observation is more than a tool?

I would do proud Mary
But I don't remember how I did it.

I am lazy
I want to jump right in and create something 

Say what you want,
But at least it's not stuck in my head anymore.

I wanted to skip the learning curve,
But I guess there is still a curve.

Jasmine used to do that with me,
I would pose something that made complete sense
And she would argue with me about it
I couldn't help her because she wouldn't listen.

I know what is wrong with my technique now.

People used to play guitar.
But they played much better than anyone on MTV
And they were not getting anywhere 
I guess John didn't want to be outdone.

Apparently there is an art to not knowing what you are covering.

I have listened to revolver the most
I like abbey road but a lot of it seems undone

85 was different from 95 was different from 97 was different from 2000

GarageBand is the VisiCalc for the iPad.
I wish I had come to it sooner.

I have nothing to lose by being highly speculative.
I feel I am actually being constructive.

I realized I was sick and I was trying to be practical.

I didn't have the virginal experience I wanted or should have had,
So I have it with my music.

Rock is supposed to be everything you want,
But it has been a nightmare for me.

They have pursued me to the point,
I have chosen to be alone.

I am the one who said there were no rules

I am not the one to tell 300 million people they are wrong
I just wanted what I wanted

All media wants to mtv their demographic 

It can't be talked about.
It is caustic.

We need to stay grounded.
We need to stay focused.
What we believe in is very valuable.

She is not a real person.

It is not so bad she felt things had to be done,
It is that most people believe in her.

They would have to admit they were reading the shit.

There is no middle ground?
It is either AC DC or Amy Grant?

Apparently there is a lot of people doing their job.

Thursday, May 17

The Tyranny of the Idiot


Earth one got sucked up into a black whole
and ended up on the bottom of the Petri dish.

Our enemies are nameless
They want us to be angry
They want us to be confused 
No president could face down such criticism 

What is going to happen to the office of president?
Is every president going to face such criticism?
Is every campaign going to have an insurance policy?

I like to upload,
But I am not a big Internet person anymore 

Be positive 
Do good 
Make a contribution 

It was too repetitive 
It wasn't tight enough

because it would only take one completely absurd individual
to screw up the whole thing

This stuff is difficult to read.
I really thought I was making a contribution.
I am coming around.

I understand why people don't write this way.

Apparently there is an argument
And we can't know what the argument is
Or It would compromise the investigation.

There is nothing to give in to.
It is chemical 
It cannot be fixed
It cannot be undone
It is just getting worse 
I understand, but there is nothing I can do about it.
Nothing fits 100% of everybody
Please stop

It's clear the first voice is making fun of me.

Love is what you let people get away with.

I was wrong to think a birth would have no affect on me,
But I didn't know it would do that

I had accepted we were not going to happen,
I wanted to know if you even wanted me in your life.

Saturday, April 7

The Confusion Collusion

If you are going to be a stranger because I said this,
Or didn't say that,
Just forget about it.

I don't clearly remember that argument.
I know it happened 
But I don't remember clearly what was said.

Anger over murderous nut cases is being directed towards me.

Go south
See who your Friends are

Some 14th century fox reality show.

If it is going to burn through Hollywood 
If it is going to burn through Washington 
It's not going to stop for a pink curtain 

You don't run edge on a roku

I don't understand what she hoped to accomplish.
I wish I had never said anything.
I would have been better off.

His choice was to be alone 

Put the music up front
And the television in the background 

Have I said that before?

Probably made a complete fool of myself
Silly to think I could make any contribution 
But I am glad y'all still had that stuff
I hardly know what epr is anymore

Everyone is in a band.
There is a glut of it.
I am having the relationship I wanted with it.

Stonewall Jackson was a physics professor?

It is an assessment.
There is no right or wrong about it.
I am different.
Not better or worse.

God wouldn't pump me full of antibiotics to fit me into a narrative.

God forbid I am pissing people off.
I am going to melt.

Why does anyone need to find me?
God knows where I am.

People pile it on and don't understand why they don't get a response from me,
And I tell them why and they get pissed off about it.
I have an adrenal situation
It is your problem not mine

I read one of his mirror messages once
I like Joni Mitchell too

I want things to be recognized.
I want this to have a name.

"How can I measure up to anyone now..."

If you can't keep a woman satisfied...
You are gay

Our enemies are not targeting the elections,
It is a confusion collusion.
Confusion is a big money industry.
Hollywood and Washington are selling stuff all the time.
We are blinded by who gets elected,
But it's not as important as we think it is.

Saturday, March 17

Safety In Numbers

It You You IJYou 

Apparently if you don't vote gender 
If you don't vote race
You are being duped.

Professor Hawking did it.

I guess that is why we have a tournament.

The republicans presented too many candidates
The democrats nominated the wrong candidate
And that's how we got Trump

Her thought is on demographics.
She doesn't care about the individual.

I am an individual.
There is nothing that can be done about it.
I am sorry if that overturns the apple cart.
I tried to fit into a demographic and I failed miserably.
It is a bubble, get over it.

I don't have a tribal identity.

This is what would happen to a viable aberrant
If there was one.

This is what things would look like
If there was something different about me.

I think they like playing with single celled organisms

It seems, for some, God is about winning arguments,
And for some, it seems, God is the argument that can't be argued against.
The argument of all arguments.
Maybe it's about ending arguments
It all seems foreign to me.

We need answers
Not arguments

Satan is trying to break me
By making me be alone

There is no freedom
If there is no freedom to be an individual.

It is not even my agenda.
I don't know what started this.

I have been under such diametric pressure
That I have mutated.

She would have found a reason to be mad at me.

I fear every president we have is going to go through this now.

Apparently we are not impartial to the arrow of time.

They sell ammo at Walt Disney world?

Nobody shares my vision 
So I am stuck doing it by myself 

I consider, if it is plausible, if it is a simple explanation,
It may be a falsehood, 
But it is not a pathological delusion.

There are things people are mistaken about,
That are not pathological delusions.

I shouldn't have to prove that I am right,
To prove I don't have a pathology

I don't fully understand why I grew up paranoid,
But I do accept I am paranoid.

It makes things difficult,
But I am more paranoid 
Than I am hallucinatory or delusional.

There was some sort of test to decide what they could do with us.
It was clear they considered it a formality.

You really don't want an eventuality,
But if you have one,
It's considered messing with the past to fool around with you.

It is sad when you come to realize,
It's all just safety in numbers.

Thursday, February 22

Seamless integration


I think time goes slower when you smoke.

What is seamless integration?

I'm sorry,
But the NRA needs to be proactive.

Don't forget...
It is very easy to become an irresponsible threat to society.

People are going to forgo getting mental health services.
If they aren't already.

Don't feel smug, it can never happen to you.
Because it can.

I am dumbfounded it was felt that needed to be done,
I guess I don't understand 

The only thing it has done is push me closer to God.

I have seen armed guards at the supermarket.

Wasn't the FISA court supposed to be about terrorists?

It is best to be parochial and grounded.

It's an LL Cool J video 
Biggest video since thriller.

I choose Miami Dolphins to win Super Bowl LIII

I am not an expert
But although some medications may alleviate psychosis
I fear some may introduce causality reversal
I was right about my tensor tympani 
I fear I am going to be right about this too

One percent of anything can be bad news.

Avoid group think 
Make them waste teraflops on you

It's not so much the noise 
As it is the percentile it puts you in

Does the yellow cardinal have a disease?
Or is he just being difficult.

You can't gloss over a yellow Cardinal.
You have to have the detail.
It is a sign of quality.

We don't even make our own bicycles anymore.

It used to be, some would buy the metals and make their own frames.
Now they can send the dimensions to China and have them made and shipped,
Cheaper than they can do it themselves.
That is scary.

I am glad president Trump has proposed to do something about it

There are people that do believe in God,
And if you leave it open like that,
They are going to claim it.

An ostrich bit me in the ass.

If we can't even make our own bicycles,
How are we going to maintain our readiness?

It means I am highly adept at ignoring people.

Once you fool around with it,
You are going to have to continually fool around with it.

I enjoy being creative.
It would be nice if it made money,
But it doesn't have to.

Thursday, February 15

Useful idiot

You You You You IYou 

Plant a tree every single Sunday
And eventually you have a grove
And for a while, maybe, you won't need 

This is not about etiquette.
There are very serious issues about gender roles
And our philosophy.

I understand how planting might work
But I don't understand what damage it might do.

Is it  better than sitting on bottlenecks?

Voodoo works better when it's yours.
Or I if God gave it to you.

They are in the business of selling insurance policies.
We were in a big universal joke.

It might alleviate a bottleneck?

It is a recovered memory 
I was a small child

The left shoves stuff too.

It was an act of desperation
Like a beached whale.

They can't fix society 
So they treat the individual 
And so the individual must solve the problems.

I feel I have been locked in a closet,
And forced to rediscover relativity.

We need to solve these problems,
Or we are going to end up under shariah law.

We can't keep taxing the individual for societal problems.

Why were a bunch of kids dealing with issues like that to begin with?

I don't consider anyone can appreciate what dissolution is like,
Unless they have been through it.

The guy who pioneered stealth,
America took him seriously,
Russia didn't.

I don't think things need to be perfect 
To ascertain if someone has been compromised or not.

I want to believe I am delusional or psychotic,
The something else happens.

I understand why I am a threat.
I don't want the be in the dark.

I am not a rubicks cube.

It is not my fault grandmas were not in your equations.

You can't cover everything.
Grandmas, doves, it's all the same thing.

I wouldn't watch Fox News
If there was anything else to watch.

I understand.
Women want their day.
The only thing men can do is drop bombs and shoot each other.

The NRA needs to solve this problem.
Or these kids are going to solve this for us.

Have clubs
Hold meetings 
Watch out for each other.

If they are going to stand in the way,
They need to lead the way.

Tasking mental health with this problem 
Is not going to work.

We can't call on the government to solve this problem.
The people need to solve this problem.
That is what the second amendment is about anyway.

I feel there are those out there
Who are playing curling with society
And its not for the better either 

It's obvious someone who knows a great deal about humanity,
Is in charge of our situation.

Monday, February 12

What grandmas are for

IUIt You You ,I

I was willing to accept I was schizophrenic in 1985.
There are a lot of cousin Kevins out there who think it's funny.
I don't know what else I could have done.

Don't play with me like that.
It is a cousin Kevin
It's not doing any good.

Because I think, that's why.
I am sorry if that is a problem for you.

I was already in salvage mode.
It wasn't the phone call I planned to make.

You insist you can't do anything,
But it's your book,
You wrote it.
The whole future David Mallory thing is yours.

Ignore what you think you know
Treat it as the first time and it will be

It would be contrived 
It would be fake for me to respond in that manner.

Channel the anger.
Make the anger work for me.

People go through years of therapy to learn how to solve things without their fists.

If you are this way
They are going to want you that way
If you are that way
This way
In the end it's all about control
You can't win.

It's reductionist 
I don't buy it.

I know I am being difficult.
The way things are is not going to last.
Good people need to be rewarded.

I am trying to be more polite.

It doesn't help to blame somebody.

I don't think grandma likes what you are doing.
She must have had a reason.

what do I know?
Y'all are the ones having a tug of war.
I am just the rope.

And y'all are complaining about men.

It's checkmate
She has Sunday
There is nothing I can do.

Just because I don't have a black eye,
Doesn't mean I am not battered.

Caught between 2 terriers.
I need a good girl, like sunshine

We are being forcefully separated.

I was pushed full of this crap
When you knew nothing was wrong with me.

It's all being held together with bubble gum and voodoo.

I can't do anything.
She can kill me.

You just sift and find the nuggets.
I don't know where I get my information from.

Dreams conjecture 2+2=4
I want to know how can we live in the same world.

The world is fractured.
I don't understand what makes it work.

She said any woman could make me feel that way,
And if I wanted to feel that way,
She could provide

Saturday, February 3

Dave the axe murderer

IYou You You IYou You I BY

It's like drinking the ocean
There is never more than a couple hours 
Before the stones start falling 

I've been down Broad St once.
It goes on forever.

When they start talking about me on CNN
That is the beginning of the end
Let's hope that never happens.

I feel like one of Harry Mudd's Robots 
She wants me to blow a circuit
I just want my sanity.

It wasn't what she wanted.
She would have found a reason to end it.

Why do I need you?
I caused the Big Bang.

You are always going to be expecting something.
It is never going to be enough with you.

If you don't want the same things
You let go, you move on
But you won't let me
You think you are saving the world from an axe murderer or something.

Time travel is always a desperate act.

So is listening to the radio.

It just feels foreign to me,
And it is.

You are into heavy metals.
I am not.

I don't see how they can diagnose people,
When they don't even know what normal is.

I'm just a GUY in this world
Cause that's all lead will let me be.

They know
They are so scared an undescended testicle will cause wwiii
That they don't care.

I admire Trump
He is so rich he doesn't have to put up with this shit.

That is the phenomenon,
That is why he is who he is.

They won't let people be Ghandi anymore.

You have no reason to be upset.
You are just being difficult.

It is some adolescent fantasy,
But he is the president 

When you stop rewarding good people
That is what happens.

I thought you would be there
I really did.

Me me me me me
Ok I get it

I guess there were times when I should have been there too.

Wednesday, January 10

Voting for Dukakis

This I'm Don't 

Imagine the universe was a video game
And if you wanted to save your place
The system would give you a number.

How big would that number have to be 
To save everything?

I don't need proof to entertain something.
Just because I entertain something,
Doesn't mean I believe it.

Sometimes my understanding is like a jigsaw puzzle.
It's all important if it fits or not.

Baptize yourselves.
Don't fight over who is real and who is not.

I am always at the bottom,
And it's always my fault
Men suffer too.

Am I alone in my own skin?

I think they like my self deprecating personality.

I don't think they like people who are looking for a Nobel prize over this.

How much longer are things going to remain polite?

I expected something 
This was far beyond what I expected.

Actually Henrico county is at the forefront of community treatment.
You guys are reading this because we are out in the community.
There have always been people who are more paranoid than delusional.

They are good people 
This medicine is causing shit
But who is ever going to believe me?

The world is full of lofty ideals that don't work.

You get harassed till you quit
Because your boss doesn't want to pay unemployment insurance 

Nobody strives to be a bad employee.

I might vote
And I would probably vote democratic 
But I am still upset about seventh guest 
It was considered a joke 
And some sort of trap is not a joke to me.

Faith in an objective reality is like everything else.

I have written this too close to home.
I should have developed a character and a plot.

Men are never going to change.
It's like asking dogs not to alphafy.

Are we the parrots,
Or are they?

How did my genome survive this madness?

I consider people were tired of voting for the less of two evils.
Polling and voting is seen now as more of a form of societal control,
I consider Americans don't like that

I consider a lot of people who would have never imagined it,
Did not vote.

There are
Don't want a God
Don't need a God
Don't deserve a God people,
But there is no such thing as an atheist.

This is a pinko fag telling you this.

They say they are atheists 
Then they turn around and do something like seventh guest
I am sorry but I am still upset about it.

There are those that hide behind the word "proof",
And do nasty things to people.

I hated Reagan 
I voted for Dukakis 

Treat each other right
This wasn't right.

I was big headed and they took it to me.

I feel they must consider the medication can aggravate  the condition they are trying to treat.

Sunday, November 19

Fanciful Tangents

It It II I T

It was a long time ago a long time ago.

She sees the world a certain way, and I can't get her to stop.
If it wasn't for the grace of God,
I would have died from broken heart syndrome a long time ago.

I remember years of going to Wendy's by myself,
It was good to finally have someone to go to Wendy's with.
But it was never going to be more than that.

I don't know why yzax affects my sexuality,
It just does.

Revelation is like the telomerase.

I guess we see what the market is going to do 
Are they in the position to hold the government hostage?

Why should she rely on what I remember anyway?
She is going through it too.

I have resentment towards women
I have serious memory problems
And I am socially inept

What is whackanomics?

It would imply circular logic is real,
And people have serious problems with that.

I am self absorbed and self important

It seems to me to suggest,
The arrow of time might be anthropic

Everybody is strung out on lead,
That is what I think.
That is my issue

And undescended testicles caused wwii

It has just been a perfect storm
Bottlenecks happen
You can't stop them
And you can't fix them

I have to pace myself.
I could burn right through this clozaril if I wanted to.

It was bland.
I didn't get anything out of It.
I am afraid it is only going to get worse.
I have lived my life wrong.
This is not going to end well.

I am sorry
It just helps me forget
People think I am a damn robot or something 
And I am not

You should give because you want to
Not because you feel obligated 

I fail to see what weight scales have to do with it,
But jumping and voting are the same thing.

Get lost
Sit on it
Go !!!! Yourself 

I don't think the public is ready
To learn the bizarro overlords
We're shooting doves.

Only buzzards claim to own history

Because I don't know what is going to happen in April.
I don't think the world is ready for this conversation.

I couldn't be a scientist.
I go off on fanciful tangents.

Thursday, August 31


It never occurred to me.
It just was not an option.
I thought I had the freedom to be who I wanted to be.

God games are bad for your health.

God games don't have to be played on a computer.

I am guilty.
A lot of schizophrenics are playing God games with themselves.

It is difficult to stop a god game

When the doors are open
That means war is going on?

It looks like we are going to have to take it on the chin,
Before China is going to do anything.

I don't see the future.
The future sees me.

Is it better to be in denial about it?
Am I to be an unknowing fool?

What is willful ignorance?

The information itself decides who can be read in
And who cannot.

Tuesday, August 29

My 8.1 story

This past Monday I bought a used computer at a thrift store. I went to Walmart to buy a patch cord to connect my vga monitor to the dvi outputs but they did not have one. So I went to OfficeMax and they did, but it cost more than the computer did. But I bought it anyway. I got it home was locked out at a password prompt. I thought about it, and I read up on it. I tried to run an installation disc, but I couldn't get the system to boot from the DVD drive. I did not have a keyboard that had the right connector, so I went to target to get that. When I got back home, I was playing hell trying to get the system to go into cmos. Struggling with that, I discovered you could get into it by holding the shift key while clicking restart. Having discovered that I found I could also revert to previous versions of Windows that way too.  So I tried it and it worked. The system booted into windows 8. Of course I had to update it before I could install 8.1 and, after a little hacking, I got the 600 some updates installed, and after the whole day, 8.1 itself.

And hey, I discovered I actually like 8.1

Sunday, August 20

Romantic Hazing

Hazing is wrong too.
I wish they could do something about that.

Why does the eclipse go west to east?

None of us needs a lecture 
On nineteenth century politics.

It is easy to be romantic 
When it is not your freedom involved 

I feel for all those who fell
But it is not romantic anymore

I don't think an open sore is a good idea

Friday, July 14

confederate circles

IYou IThe I

I am sorry for what happened,
It was not planned or rehearsed

I have to stand public opinion.
People have been lynched for less.

I could have used better judgement.
I am sorry if she was traumatized.

We do have healthcare in America.
It is called bankruptcy.

How many people are being trickled out of the economy?

I thought they were talking about the election being hacked.
Having dinner is not hacking.

Has anyone else noticed they have changed the subject?
Why have they changed the subject?

Was information exchanged over dinner?
Was that information gathered by Russian hacking?

My relationship with Jesus is nobody else's business.
I have my story.

The land of cruel jokes and missed opportunities.

We need to help people going bankrupt 
Over catastrophic or long term care.

Because the democrats don't care about the cruel jokes.

They think it's cool.
They think it's part of American life.

Things don't have to involve money to be wrong.

She was the senator for the state of New York,
What did she know say or do about it?

I think they knew what they wanted to stick him with from the beginning
And there was collusion to have a special prosecutor 
To obtain that objective.

People are thinking this.

Do honeybees know they are pollinating?
Is it like tickling your throat to make yourself gag?

Was there collusion between Comey and the Hillary Clinton campaign?
Was the special counsel appointed honestly?

I am sorry.
It looks like a flea flicker to me.

It's wrong.
It's stupid.
It's wrong and stupid.

It is genuine.
It is strong.
It is genuine and strong.

Why should I get angry?
It is a game that doesn't get you anywhere.
They think you are stupid.
You are being played.

If they can keep you in that anger,
They can control you.

You are forced to accept anger,
Because it makes you predictable.

Am I the only one who understands?

I guess we better start planting trees again.

they are going to be called confederate circles,
and they are going to be a bigger draw than the monuments ever were.

I don't want to Nostradamus the whole thing
But as an egg,
Seeing over the horizon is my job.

Thursday, July 6

Daily America

IIt It It If If If It  HU

I admit he is not that savory 
But I have to defend him
there were serious concerns 
about the security of our election systems 
A long time ago
And I don't know if anything was ever done about it

You didn't have to be Nostradamus to see that one coming.

Let's just say
It wasn't a snowfall in May

Welcome to hell?
What is up with that?

I guess chicken pox is a serious thing if you are older.

Fox News just has a gloss the others don't have.

It is sad.
They are fighting over which is the communist.

Holding information for political advantage.

It looks like a trump card they were waiting to play.

How long has this been an issue?
And this is coming out just now?

This is not in the spirit of how things should work.

There are those that want education
To be at the center of social and economic life.
I don't agree with that.

I don't consider it a cure all for making people happy.

People don't like Hillary Clinton.
I fail to see why we need a political meltdown over this.

That is just what Putin would want,
And he probably counted on it.
We are really being played.

Our own arrogance is going to sink us.

They are going to start hitting 
with stuff that can't be answered in 24 hours.

What is the use of me having a voice
If I don't use it.

People are day to day right now.

This is not a broadcast.
If you are here you came here.

This is my personal space that I am sharing with you,
Because I feel not to do so,
Would confer an advantage
To people are not in the know

Because some have access to eggs like me,
And some don't.

It maybe useful to someone studying psychology.

Daily America has no idea how deep this thing goes.

A little more than word salad.
A little less than tea leaves.
I know I have the condition,
But I can't stop it.

There is a reason people don't write this way.
There is no barrier between me and the material.

It is like a DMZ
You are wide open for anyone.

A DMZ is used for trouble shooting.

I guess when I loose myself sometimes 
It is considered broadcasting.
But that is the psychological definition.

Sometimes you sink into broadcasting
And you don't come back.

It all starts with broadcasting.
If you understand that
You have a leg up.

I am trying to be constructive with my broadcasting.

Just because you are in a legitimate loop,
Does make it less dangerous.

You should not inflate the ego
Of someone who has a broadcasting issue.

Call it a Sticky Gate

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...