Friday, June 17

Smoke Friggen Cigarettes

You can’t do GarageBand with Bluetooth headphones.

People go downhill quick.
In 2019 they were vibrant thriving people.

I guess I have 7 or 8 people who follow me religiously.

If I am a book, I guess it would mess it up, I don’t know.

People that treat other people like they are cattle.

Toe straps or cleats take som getting used to.

I am not crazy about ketchup on my burgers anymore.
Maybe with my fries.

When you get a good song, it makes everything else sound good.

In as much as GarageBand is cheating.
Some people really feel it is.

Editing the piano roll seems to bother people.

So many Americans are insane, nobody notices.
It is the new normal.

I don’t exactly fit the culture,
But I wouldn’t mind being established as a hip hop artist.

I like funk.
I like funk and disco.
I don’t care for electronica too much.
I mean I don’t hate it.
It just all sounds the same to me.

If I could make funk and disco,
I would make it all day.
I would never stop.

Figuring out how to do multiple sections has really opened things up.

I don’t really care for drum machines.
That is why I started scrambling stuff.

I can but I have to fail a couple times.

It is ok if it is modulated.

I like the way I play piano.

I have a hard time doing it on carpet.

The notification said you are twice as likely to die in the next decade,
If you can’t stand on one foot for ten seconds.

Modulation is key.
Everything sounds better when you modulate.

I didn’t know how to show all sections.
I figured it out on Truth To Innocence.
I was stuck with one section.
Now I can copy stuff and move things around.
It is so much easier.

I am not going to be accepted.
I have run my mouth too much.

They say if you ain’t making money at this shit,
You ain’t doing something right.

I guess I will put it on YouTube.
I would rather it be on TikTok.
TikTok seems to be honest about how much traffic I get.

I don’t know about YouTube.
I know in my heart I am getting more traffic than that.

I think they are worried I will flip out.

I don’t know why people do me like that.
There must be a reason.

Maybe they are worried about copycats,
I don’t know.

I would rather be on TikTok,
But if they don’t take this one,
I ain’t trying them no more.

I spend a lot of money for the privilege of uploading shit.

If I knew what rhyme or reason there was to things getting rejected,
I could work with it.

Maybe scrambling will fix things.
I hope so.

I hope they decide to have me again.
I wouldn’t want anyone else.

I wish I knew someone who wrote and sung.

I download the m4a’s from Opaque Burger to make sure the links work,
Then I play them in alphabetical order.

The m4a’s come with the artwork and can be grouped by album.
They load up in the music app real nice.

Well it didn’t get rejected.
I am relieved.

I guess I can’t use the loops straight out of the can.
I have to scramble them or they won’t be posted.

I don’t expect a lot cause it is not crazy different.
But it’s doing ok.

I think I did tell people to steal my stuff.
Honestly, it is the only way I will ever hear it on the radio.

If I had considered, I would be a blemish on my father’s record,
I may have done things differently.

When I first started writing a blog type thing,
I would make this inner thought type stuff.

Opaque Burger was the place where I would read what I wrote.

Reverse speech was all the rave back then,
So I listened to what I had recorded backwards.

Sometimes when I would write I would repeat a phrase over and over again.

One time I said “alternate, direct, alternate, direct.”
And it came back as “average inner thought, average inner thought.”

So that is where the name of this blog came from.

I wish they had a geocities place nowadays.
I would put up yzax again.

Maybe it is a diode.

It would be nice to be able to listen at a fuller volume 
Without disturbing the neighbors.

If I really did go viral,
I would probably freak out anyway.

I respect a woman’s choice,
But I don’t feel it is a right enumerated in the constitution.

We probably should have codified it a long time ago.

We had 50 years to codify it.
We shouldn’t have waited till it got struck down.

It might take 40 or 50 years for us to get an amendment through,
That would cover things like that.

We can’t wait for this to work or that to work,
We need a permanent solution.

Only a constitutional amendment will be that solution.

It is going to be up to the people.
Don’t put republicans in office.

When you take the middle,
You just end up pissing off everybody.

I don’t think it is right,
And if it were me I wouldn’t do it,
But it is not my decision.

Metallica says “life is ours, we live it our way”
Who am I to say no you can’t.

There are some things, only your conscience can tell you, you can’t do.

I don’t know why I am such a sad person.
Sometimes I feel it is my duty to be sad.

I should be able to not buy it if I don’t want to.
It isn’t my fault I am crucial to her career.

I wonder what some of these people believe now?

I guess it makes it so I can’t see anything.

If you don’t remember how it ends,
It is a new movie to you.

If the right can have trigger laws,
The left can too.

Please, y’all really don’t want me to sing.

I am thankful I can go to Walmart on Sunday.

I don’t think they are going to strike down Loving v. Virginia.

I doubt there is anything still on that phone from Jan 6.

I was sitting at the bottom of a list 1700 lines long.

I never understood how people could watch movies over and over again.

Captions are bad on cnbc.

Getting as far as I did with no ads is probably a big deal.

Moving from alternative indie, to instrumental hip hop, is a big move.
The top 100 is bigger over there.
I should have spent $5 long time ago.

Do regular people go over there though?
Or is it just artists appealing to other artists?

The election had a different dynamic,
But I don’t think it was fraudulent.

Do you think they would have killed Mike Pence?
Do you think they would have killed Nancy Pelosi?

Just because a dog is mean doesn’t mean it is going to bite you.

Just talking about it is wrong though.

There are people in this world, that fear and intimidation are a major part of their life.

I hope my generation isn’t going to wreak the ship.

When I was a kid, it was the republican kids that were intimidating everybody.
That has stuck with me,  and I will never vote republican.

I will either vote democratic, or not at all.
And I think there are a lot of people like that.

I don’t remember if I voted in 96.
I didn’t vote in 00, 04, 08, 12, or 16.

Or the off years either.
I will definitely vote if Trump is on the ballot again.

I think he is dangerous, and I don’t like his style.

He was put out of office by people who hadn’t voted in 20 years.

I think Trump and his people thought 00 was going to repeat itself,
And it didn’t.

I think I am involved for some reason,
It is not clear to me why.

I guess that is what happens when you sit on a fence for 20 years.

I questioned whether I made the right decision to vote against Donald Trump.
I think Jan 6 proves that I made the right decision.

I have been reluctant to call it hip hop.
I don’t want to intrude.

Why can’t we just say he won’t run again,
And let’s just end this stuff.

He has been dominating the news since 2016.
I am tired of it.

For some people he is some Christian King given to us by God.

I guess it is weird for someone to start making music in their fifties.
That is what I told them I was going to do.

I guess you could say I actually started in my thirties,
But even that is a little late.

I guess nothing happened back then cause the music was really really bad.

I feel like the radio and television are talking to me.
I feel like I have to respond.

When you knock on a door, do you just knock?
Or do you rat a tat tat?

I am worried future presidents
Are going to have the Secret Service, and their inner circle, politicized.

It seems like they say Trump every 14 seconds.
This stuff needs to end.

I have gotten addicted to CNN.
I need to stop this stuff.

I have wanted to use a computer to make music from the beginning.

It is sick we have gotten so polarized, we can’t do anything.

There is something about hdtv that is messing with people.

My opinions have seriously changed since I switched to CNN.

If you read the blog you can probably tell when I switched,
But I don’t blame CNN for that.
They aren’t the ones who made the news political.

It has become like what brand of cigarettes you smoke.

They think he is dangerous.
They think they need to do this so he can’t run again.

MSNBC is worse.

People should just smoke friggen cigarettes.

Tuesday, June 14

Lead Kills Democracy

Pay attention to what happens by accident.
You will figure it out.

Somebody has to want you in their life no matter what.
I am just not getting that from her.

I ain’t saying I am right about everything.
I just ain’t getting it from her.

Why should I commit to someone,
Who clearly doesn’t want me in their life.

This is what you see when you go south.

Biden would win again,
But I fear he wouldn’t complete the term.

I like being an artist.
You can’t have everything.

If you spend as much time with it as I do,
Chances are it’s happened already and you didn’t notice it.

You need independents to win the White House,
And I don’t think independents are going to vote for Trump.

Guitar is too much math for me.
I don’t know if I will ever really play guitar.

I knew I was never going to get married.
I tried to avoid my fate but I wasn’t successful.

I didn’t want this to happen,
I couldn’t stop it.

It is never going to be good enough.
I could be Hall and Oates and it wouldn’t be good enough.

She is the one with the talent and the gift.
I guess she doesn’t want to waste it.

It was better than it sounded.
I knew more than I thought I did.

I haven’t actually sat at a keyboard in a while,
But I know some of the formulas,
And I know my way better than a guitar.

Western music has a beginning, middle, and end.
I still haven’t gotten that down.

I trust the lord.
If that is what I need to do, I will do it.

With my music, I have to count to know when it’s going to end.

People don’t like it when I play piano.
I change it to guitar and everything is ok.

The keyboard is what I know the most about.

Piano has a right way and a wrong way,
And I guess I just play it the wrong way.

I don’t like to think of the iPad as cheating.
I know what I know, and I have learned what I have learned.

I do stuff the wrong way, and I cheat.

That is life.
That’s the way nature does it.

It should be about getting it done,
Not about how you do it.

I have this mentality about doing stuff like I was the first person to do it,
And I think the iPad needs someone like me.

Of course you can’t learn to play that way,
But somebody had to someday.

How did the first flint knife get made?
It probably happened by accident.

I am dealing with bigger issues.

I don’t know why she is trying to undo it.
It is just making my life harder.

I think it would undo if she just left it alone.

I have a blue lagoon fantasy.

I didn’t mean to swallow anybody’s future.
I apologize.

If words support like bone,
I guess my music is jellyfish.

What must I have been here to learn?

I guess they don’t want me to be like this anymore.

I must have given birth to something.

I can see where someone would think something happened to me.

I gave birth to yzax.
Zyprexa caused it.

Nobody listens.
They want to blame it on my mother.

The ball may have started rolling long before that,
But yzax is the thing that is swallowing people’s future.

Is it going to bring new life into the world,
Or will it just bring war?
That is yet to be decided.

I don’t know.
They are messing around with the airbags.

They don’t like the airbags.
They are inconvenient for them.

They want everything to be empirical,
And it’s not.

Our construct is layered,
And the mind is part of that layer,
It is not separate from the physical world like we think it is.
That is an illusion.

Yzax happened because they were messing around with the airbags.

The mind does what it thinks it needs to do to keep you safe.

My mind felt I couldn’t deal with whatever I was dealing with,
So it made yzax to help me deal with it.

They can’t fix society, so they treat the individual.
Then the individual gets tasked with the problem.

It was a safety issue.

If we could recognize this has taken place,
It would go a long way.

Just because you have airbags,
Doesn’t mean you drive into a brick wall.

It works, but don’t be stupid with it.

From what I can gather,
I don’t think it is an umbrella or insurance policy.

Back in the 70’s, when a car was 10 years old, it was an old car.

You are supposed to start with a genre,
Not make it and then try to figure out what genre it is.

I don’t think I am some superhuman sent to protect the planet anymore.

I was insane to begin with,
And it was just a safety issue that happened to an insane person.

Severely abnormal.

It is difficult to say.
There is a feedback loop.

Being able to create has calmed me and made me more rational.

Having my parents die has been sobering.

It is just reasoning.

Dad never really cared for that Accord.
I told him if he wanted a Buick buy a Buick.

Victory Song had two downloads and 70 some streams.
I don’t understand how they calculate those charts.

At least they show me something.
I ain’t get nothing no where else.
Except maybe TikTok.

Maybe I should promote.
I don’t know.
I don’t want to promote and have shit that ain’t no good.

I am happy with 2 downloads and 70 streams.
If that continues maybe I will promote.

I think people were disappearing, and they couldn’t have that.

Nominating Trump would be like the democrats nominating Hillary.

The party loves him, but he is sincerely unpopular.

We need a two term president.
If we go three or four cycles without a consecutive second term,
That will not bode well.

Everything is up in the air.
Decisions aren’t getting made.

You can only stand at the crossroads so long,
Before you have to commit to going one way or the other.

Lead killed Rome.

The family collapsed because of lead.

It is my pet project.
People need to acknowledge what lead has done to society.
We can’t fix the problem if we can’t admit there is one.

It is all about the chemicals.
It always has been.

I didn’t know there was a 2.4 liter vtec motor in that sob.

I don’t understand that people are better off not knowing.

I think there is a lot of evidence out there,
But for some reason they don’t want us to be concerned about it.

I guess they don’t want us to draw the conclusion,
There are farmers who want it that way.

They sprayed us with lead on purpose.
You can’t tell me they didn’t know.

Lead kills Democracy.

Sunday, May 29

Spoil Already

What use is the ***  thing if you can’t *** use it. 
I ain’t trying to break the internet for *** sake.

Apple needs to do something, this shit is ridiculous.
I can’t use the *** loops.
Every time I do TikTok gives me shit.

I guess if I am going to use Apple loops I am going to have to go to YouTube.

I don’t know.
TikTok doesn’t have a problem with my organic stuff.

Now I understand why I made all this organic stuff.

I guess TikTok has the  right to decide what they want on their platform.

They are very Chinese.
There is no arbitration.

Other platforms, I have told them it is GarageBand and they have backed down.
There I don’t even have a place to complain.

I guess the internet has a zero Dave policy.

I am sorry. I will be a good proletariat.

That little flair is annoying 
But that might be a good thing.

If I actually distribute I can take that out.

I guess you have to advertise and promote,
But I just ain’t there yet.

It is easy if you know what key it is in.

I think I would rather do hip hop than electronic
I don’t really care for electronic that much.

I think, in the future, the traffic is going to be more important than the copyright.

People are fickle.
This might be the end of it.

Half of Ukraine in NATO is still going to be a loss for them.
The situation is going to be worse than Korea.

Apple Loops should be treated the same as basic chord progressions.

You want a copyright?
Doctor the damn thing.

Chop it up, rearrange it.
It takes 5 minutes.

Sounds better anyway.

People keep putting it off,
But sooner or later, we need to debate
what’s copyrightable and what is not.

I can’t believe Apple made the loops,
So the industry could copyright everything.

I guess TikTok doesn’t want to get involved in controversy.

I don’t think I would get as mad,
But it really pissed me off that I couldn’t fair use the loops.
At least not on TikTok.
And I understand TikTok 
It is not their business to promote music.

I just wanted traffic.
I didn’t care if people copied my stuff.

50 views is moderately successful.

I stayed away from live loops, because the one time I used it there were copyright issues.
I didn’t realize the problem was so bad.
I guess people know what loose organic music is now.

I lay down a lot.
I guess you could call it meditation.

If it were legal,
And I could buy it at the convenience store,
I would smoke weed.

The county is all up in my shit.
I don’t have the freedom to do pot anymore.

I think you make better shit sober.
Let the people listening get high.

I am on some serious meds.
I am probably high, and don’t really know it.

I guess it could be weed or tea,
But I called it loose, like loose duty free cigarettes 
And organic, like produced simply with little effort.

I guess it could be loose cause the mix is loose.

I know how to use loops the common way,
I made it loose and organic on purpose.

It ain’t going to be no use to copyright the loops,
Because people are going to chop them up and rearrange theme.
Sounds better anyway.

The meds don’t give you a recreational high,
But apparently they can effect what you think and produce.

I could see where people would chase heat,
If that is a real thing.

I don’t know.
I am ready for the next thing,
And it is already there.

I avoided it because of copyright issues,
But I didn’t know it would sound that much better.

I can doctor the loops.
It is no big deal.
Just don’t post to TikTok.

Man here installing the carpet and I feel guilty.

That album was mathematical anyway.
I don’t know if it is going to work with the others.
I am going to have to find something else to do.

Being obsessed probably kept me out of trouble.

I can’t be mad at Apple.
The iPad has made an enormous difference in my life.
I am happy that I am able to create anything.

There are things I would say,
But in the end, God doesn’t need me.

I have heard people say that once they acknowledged they were gay,
And stopped fighting it, They were much happier.

I am not going to argue with them and say I am right and they are wrong.

My fantasy world is all screwed up,
And there may be some things queer about me,
But I cannot force myself to fantasize about men.

We are a crop
The farmers have sprayed chemicals on us to make us that way.

I have heard it before.
That is the second time I have used that loop.

I have waited my whole life to be able to do stuff like this.

We never had anything.
And even if we did it was never going anywhere.
It was just some childhood fantasy.

We can’t agree on simple shit.

I don’t want people to be in my way because they think they might spoil something.

I think lead played a role,
And even if I could go back,
I can’t fix that.

Tuesday, May 10

Nasty Pop

People chose Barabbas 
It is a human fault.

I was centered around A and skipping the 2nd and 6th
Not knowing what I was doing.

I have resigned myself.
I don’t miss people much anymore.

I am not trying to get people to taste raspberries.

I make it first for me.
I am literally jamming.

I don’t know.
I am experimenting with X-rays.

Side b didn’t go over so well,
But I learned some stuff.

I still like Meat Paradox the best.

I thought it might sound better with a long attack,
So I just flipped it.

I like m4a because it comes with the cover photo.

I don’t know why they stopped listing Opaque Burger,
I had a good thing going.

I wish they would bring it back.
I guess it threatened the centralized order.

I don’t know.
Peers become hubs, and it disrupts everything.

I don’t know.
They keep trying to clear me,
And I keep stopping up.

There is some type of energy that flows through me
There is no need to be upset about it.

I try to hold back.
I try to be normal.
People get upset.
Think I am trying to skate.
Think I am not doing my best.

We really don’t know,
But let’s just say Satan picks on people,
Based on their name, birthday, family, or birthplace.
That’s all we can really say.

In a perfect world I guess it wouldn’t matter,
But it seems to matter to somebody.

There is no place for magic.
It is troublesome.

It is like the psychiatrists say
They know it when they see it,
Or hear it I guess.

It is difficult to have traffic in a sustained way.

I guess babies are worth more than men are.

Like I said, in a perfect world it wouldn’t matter.

Satan is tying a knot and blaming it on me,
It ain’t my fault,
I ain’t the fix of this shit.

What is organic paranoia?

25 years?
Yeah I guess something is wrong with me.
I can imagine as a kid what I would think.

It just ain’t happening I guess.
You can’t have everything.

Force me to act out
It just ain’t happening 

Asexuality is a real thing.
And conversion therapy doesn’t work on us either.

Is Neil making fun of me,
Or is he sending me a message.

I wish things could be out in the open.
I don’t understand how people function this way.

I am fruitful.
I do multiply.

According to the many worlds interpretation,
Every time I choose  y over z I have split the world in two.

I believe if we could harness the power of this thing,
We wouldn’t have wars anymore.

I guess if someone wants a war you can’t stop them.

It is sad for us to have a war now.
We are almost at the place where it is unnecessary.

What are they trying to accomplish?
Why won’t they stop?

Downloads are important.
They are probably more important than the charts.

I don’t think Frank would have liked me very much.

The thunder made me paranoid and think big.

I guess I share characteristics with bad people.

Instead of spending all day on TikTok, I create something.
It is not such a bad thing.

It is more interesting when it is almost symmetrical.

Safari seems to do psychosisb better.

I don’t know.
If this happened every day for a month,
Maybe they would do something.

I am not giving TikTok my best shit anymore 
People reverse engineer my shit and claim copyright

I don’t understand how they can do that 
I have as much right to use an apple loop as anyone else
Even if someone is already using it

Maybe you could use my mandalas for trauma victims.

I have made the mandalas available at Opaque Burger.
Somebody Is going to need this stuff someday

I guess it ain’t happening.
Well it gives me something to do.

I don’t know why they would bother listing it if it only had one view.

I have either crashed Typito or they don't want to be associated with me.

If YouTube gave me a few dozen views I would give them more stuff,
Stuff shows up on Bing,

What is the deal?
I guess they think I might flip out.

I am not happy with heavy vinyl.
I haven’t had one that didn’t have a nasty pop in it somewhere.

Thursday, March 10

Confusion Therapy

Happy birthday Boston 

It is not so much feet of clay,
As it is one person.

I think you can be 10000 dollars in debt,
And regret things you didn’t buy.

Failure of Sputnik V has left them in a desperate helpless situation,
Sanctions are only going to make the situation worse
Love your enemy
Putin needs to go

Ukraine went against Sputnik V

I don’t know if it is a Black Death situation 
But I think it is pretty bad.

I am hoping for some abatement 
Maybe someone will listen, I don’t know.

Some voice in my head said OMDB

I don’t know.
I am convinced there is a Sputnik V factor in all of this.

Let us be clear 
Purification is Armageddon.
Putin is welcoming Armageddon 

I think he is going to kill hundreds of thousands before we feel the need to escalate 

I miss the movie store.
I used to watch two or three movies a week.

There is a place where I never came home
That this place is actually thousands of years in the future 

And Sean Penn talks about feminization of men

I am glad slim fast works for you 

May those who continue to wage war against children and civilians,
Face immediate personal consequences 

What is herd complacency?

I think people look towards me.
If it is of no consequence
Maybe they won’t look towards me anymore.

If it caught on everyone would do it.
They want things somewhat centralized.

I breathe by the grace of God.

I can’t stop Sandy Hook from happening again,
Ultimately the only thing that is going to stop this is instant karma.

Few, if any, of us are ready to live in the presence of the lord 24/7.

This guy is killing hundreds of thousands,
And the state is sitting on me.

It is either psychosis b or mess with the money

A few hundred is pretty good 
Considering I am a moron trying to make art.

All schizophrenics have things about their name or birthday,
But you couldn’t come up with better if you were writing a book.

This thing is going to go humanitarian.
The west is going to be forced into action.

When is it attention seeking and counterproductive?

You can tell it a minor,
But if you really want a minor,
You have to go into editing and delete shit.

I had it upside down again 
Now everyone is going to expect that every time 

Tuesday, January 4

Out of the Can

Maybe one elected office for 326 million people is not a great idea.

It doesn’t make it right,
But does any consider the riot if Biden had lost?

Biden wouldn’t have been responsible,
But I believe there would have been civil unrest.

There are at least 35 million voters who don’t feel represented.
Half of the people who voted for Trump.

I don’t know what civil war would look like nowadays,
Because there are no clear cut boundaries.
I feel it would be more like civil anarchy.

It only takes a few seconds to download it and listen the way it was meant to.

Perhaps if he had told them to stop.
He would have admitted his culpability in starting it.

The audience is far more sophisticated than I considered.

I just.
Trump thinks in terms of what he can get away with.

We have to do something with downloading,
Or we are going to lose the ability to do it.

Everything is either going to be streamed,
Or from the App Store 
There are going to be no “files” as we know them.
And only a select few will have something physical 

I had an instacart nightmare 
I am not using them again.
It arrived 24 hours later,
And someone stole the foods
I guess they need it more than I do

Musician is a trade,
It is like being a plumber.
I wouldn’t call myself a plumber.

I appreciate cautionary tales,
But people are stealing my damn food.
This is sad.

Now to top it all off,
They are charging me twice.

They refunded me quickly.
Maybe they had a busy time.

I shouldn’t slam Microsoft too bad,
I do like Bing and Edge,
I use them all the time,
Even on my iPad 

I have finally learned how to do sections 
Maybe I can open up a bit.

Wireless energy would mess up the atmosphere?

I have the tendency to think my stuff is really really good,
When maybe it is not.

Good old boys, worried about state secrets in 2008.

I like McDonald’s breakfast.
They don’t charge you 2 dollars for a cup full of ice and hardly any soda.
Which means I don’t have to make a separate trip to 7 11.

They said on television,
That once the aid groups arrive,
They never leave.

Me and Jasmine used to get stopped every time we left the Richmond area.

I need more information.
Am I not allowed to use GarageBand on TikTok?

I am just one guy.
How am I to know what crosses the line and what doesn’t?

Apparently it may not be authorized to use GarageBand for slideshows.
I guess they may be considered sound beds.
If this is true I have no reason to be on YouTube or TikTok 

There is no reason to be on TikTok if you can’t have visuals.

One picture is ok
But four or five aren’t?

I used a loop straight out of the can.
I don’t usually do that.

The most snow I have seen is about 18 inches.

Jasmine thought things didn’t actually happen,
That this was some amusement park.

Tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes 
If it’s country it’s country 

If it is largely ceremonial and can’t do anything,
What is it there for?

Apparently, someone decided this shit needed to stop.

I don’t know
I just don’t want to be another looney with beatle Issues 

Just because you can handle it,
Doesn’t mean you would be responsible with it.

Wednesday, December 15

Methods and Implications

I would want to work,
But people bully me and say it’s my fault.

She is a heavy hitter they brought in,
Cause I was bouncing around too much.

I call it panning.

There is no place in the music industry for a wanker.

It happens so fast.
It is hard for me to imagine it means anything.

Please don’t delineate me based on what I remember and what I don’t.
It seems it is really easy for me to forget things.

Maybe the pictures can spread it around a bit.

I feel for people who have worked there whole life to master something,
And to have some interloper claim art, music, or science.

I didn’t know I was going to use them to do that when I downloaded them.
I will try to stay on top of it.
Feel free to comment.

She didn’t want to hurt me,
I understand.

It’s called an iPad.
If they didn’t want people to use it,
They shouldn’t have made the darn thing.

Paranoia is not narcissism,
It is self injurious behavior.

I have had ideas for awhile.
The apps just weren’t there yet.

Retrospecs and Afterlight 

I had a windows nightmare back in the 90’s
And now every time I run into trouble 
I start sweating 

I mostly iPad 
But I have a thrift store brick I recovered.

I love the iPad,
But it’s not really made to stand alone.

I am just colliding photos.

In music we lay one track over another.
What is the big deal?

I feel like a beta tester 
I am not doing anything people shouldn’t be able to do.

If you can’t do it, something is wrong.

I have a couple things I don’t know if God wants people to hear.

I speak freely. It is an effort for me to stay quiet.

It is just another version of patience.

I consider people could be helped by these visuals.

Because it came from me.

They have been doing similar for decades now.

This Manchin shit is what I have been going through for years now.
more power to him.

This struggle has been going on for a long time.
It’s just now getting reflected in Congress.

I think maybe Mr. Hall taught me about art.

I guess death is going to decide this shit.

I guess I could go over to TikTok 
I don’t want to be accused of messing with the kids.

I felt I was being pushed towards TikTok.

I can imagine what I would think of someone like me if I was a young person.

Start with what you know, and don’t force it.

I didn’t predict an IPad
But I did have the reasoning that computers would be far more capable.

I do have some recollection of her showing me a stairway,
But I don’t know if it actually happened or not.

I guess it would mean she is remembering me.
Which is a good thing in my book.

I have been through a lot of shit,
Just to have people forget about me..

I might be another book in the library,
But at least I am in the library.

It is apollo 13 they made a movie about

I like that I can just pick up the iPad and create with it.
It’s like an acoustic guitar 

It’s circulating.
People don’t come there anymore anyway.

I can tell.
Apple has made updates that make it work better.

I don’t buy my computers 
Mostly they get given to me,
Or I find them in a thrift store.
If it were my choice, I would be all Apple

It is a template,
It doesn’t need an address,
It just gets passed around.

Select and copy it all, and paste it into an email.

I must be really fragile.

I had second thoughts.
I said I was going to bury it.
So let it be buried.
Defeats the purpose of making it that way to begin with.

Where would any of us be if Christ was not in the picture?

I don’t know why.
Your guess is as good as mine.

I don’t know
Kids need art too.

If it ain’t getting no one views,
I might think it is offensive, and take it down.

It was the name I gave to a forward 

Forward is rare and it is fought over.

I don’t know that I was ever scheduled.

I can’t say that I don’t want attention.
Maybe it is mirror mirror on the wall, I don’t know.

I am being overly examined,
They would examine my shit if I didn’t flush it.

How does light get here from so far away,
If here wasn’t even here yet?

A billion years from now is that light still going to be there,
Or is it going to burn out one day?

Tuesday, November 30

psychosis b

Heavy dose of vitamin d at first sign?

The music is too political.
It needs to work for everyone.

Wes turned me on to vitamins.

You can use the back side too.
I didn’t know that.

A little book told me.

Maybe he will learn the word sacrifice by then.

I have the right to reject a fix it do over.

If it is the end.
Who is to know whether he lied or not.

It’s not so much what it is,
As what it took to get there.

I told you.
In my experience, it ended up being an endless second chance,
Because the gods couldn’t tell if was the first time around or not.

It would be worse than hell for me to go through an endless second chance.
I just can’t do it.

If they can’t promise you,
How can they promise me?

Just because the echo doesn’t get here,
Doesn’t mean there is none.

What are they to do?

There is a whole island of misfit toys out there.

My isotope is too heavy for a normal life.

Was there really an accident?
In the middle of all that,
Did you expect me to be calm and rational?

I know it doesn’t mean anything,
But I still want to stare at it.

My mind can’t comprehend that it is meaningless.
People are going to think it is some message, when it is not.

I try to only use pictures bing says are free to use commercially.
Some pictures are screaming to be picked.

What about the morning after pill?

I can listen to it without thinking someone is trying to communicate with me.

I am not stupid.
I might not understand how it works,
But I know it’s not done for just old anything 

Everything is going eastern 
It is wrong to even have an ego nowadays 

They say self is an illusion,
Favorable to do away with.

Even having a self is pathological 

If it wasn’t the last piece of the puzzle 
You wouldn’t give a shit

It is the first time around every time around,
And you are charging someone who doesn’t deserve it.

I didn’t make it that way.

I am being spared the trauma.

It wouldn’t be done any differently.

More like a place than a thing 

Thursday, October 14

Loose Insanity

I don’t think there was this latent ability,
That I was just going to wake up.

Maybe if she had spent some time on me.

Babies and pizza

If they must change,
Things that can change,
Do change.

It is a tool
It is an idea
It is a device 
It doesn’t require proof

Now that everyone has been primed for the shit,
I have gotten ambivalent about it.

Mechanized prayer

Why not everything else is there,
It is like a musical cloud,
I don’t think they are taking advantage more than anyone else.

In the beginning I was making these small loops,
And I felt soundclick rendered better.

I can handle being evil,
But I don’t want to be an iron man or a piper.

I don’t know what they were supposed to do,
But the tea leaves say they failed.

“It”, is the hippie hippie shake?

You can’t go by the charts over there,
Sometimes I get more streams after the song isn’t in the charts anymore.
I think things were better, when the only feedback I had was placement.

Need to know is creating its own problems.

Trust in our institutions is critical to the success of our democracy.
It is being undermined by a culture of secrecy.

Things become so pervasive,
There is nothing to protect anymore.

You can’t argue with them.
Discord is pathological 

It is secular insanity.
You want change?
Pray like everyone else does.

I am autistic.
I am Insane.
Leave me be.

I am fixed.
What more fixed do you want?

Maybe they could place me with another family,
And you would never know anything.
Is that what you want?

Do you want me in your life, or not?
Ball is in your court.

Things aren’t as safe and secure as you might like them to be.

I have been down the road where Jim saw that accident.

If you try to bust the algorithm by doing something out of the blue,
You end up getting green warranted.

And if you do manage to make that left turn at Albuquerque,
It’s going to be a big stink

They will say you are playing God.

And If you are really lucky,
You will be born with blue spots,
And everyone will argue about it.

Some people are in bed with the algorithm.
Some are searching for some grand unified algorithm.

Do secrets heal anything?

In so much as faith heals,
Secrets don’t.

That being said, you don’t find God by digging.

Maybe I have an unreasonable fear of the algorithm.

If you don’t do something on the record, you don’t grow.
You are no different than you were yesterday.

I consider we are all encapsulated,
And the information is not in the book.
The link is just not there anymore.

i am going to bury it, and people will have to look for it

I told them, “do it now”
And they said, “if you are who you say you are, you do it.”
It needed to be done
It was the right time 
So I took what little I knew, and did something 

I don’t know why she started this shit
We are never going to be able to communicate the way I want us to.

I said I was going to play the computer when I was 50.
I gave her the opportunity to intercede.
She chose to double down.

What if the diagnosis was autism, would that change anything?
I don’t need someone I can’t communicate with.

Things seem matriarchal, and I am rocking the boat.

I don’t know where to begin to even try.

My sense tells me to leave it for the next in the queue 

This world has all the signs of what a first one would look like.
We need God, he doesn’t need us.

Once you slide into that fix it do over universe you are stuck.
It is the first step to the bottom dropping out.

He thinks I am consistently wrong,
And he does the opposite of everything I say.

If I found myself there I would do differently
But I don’t expect that to happen.
So don’t dwell on it.

I know you are trying to help
I am in conflict with myself 

You do better to create for yourself,
Than waiting on me to change.

Sunday, August 1

Sedentary Journalism

It is a hack
I am worried they will fix it and I won’t be able to do it anymore.

Shit is addictive.

I liked it
I thought it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.

If GarageBand calls it e I call it e
I can’t hear it.

I would do SoundCloud
But my best stuff over there has six views
I don’t believe that.

You may not like soundclick’s ratings,
But at least it is something.

Happy birthday 

I am not sure where the pictures come from
I seem to remember finding them
But I really don’t fully remember.

 I feel bad.
I would give credit if I remembered

I guess there are people who mine for music,
And this stuff is going to pop up 20 years from now.

I don’t know 
They are able to mine the net.
It is more than what we think it is.

That is the name of the loop I made it with.

Do you care about the past?
Do you know where your Great Grandmother is buried?
Do you know her name?

I told everyone 
If they listened to born to run intently 
I would protect them


And you think Fox News is going to save you?
You need to jam
You need to get off that shit.

I can have all sorts of talents,
But if they like the younger me better,
What can I do.

Even if I did find myself in 1983,
I don’t think nothing physical is going to happen between us.
We needed to be happy with what we had.

It sounds better with headphones.

I am flattered they give a shit.

Y’all sitting on stuff cause you want things to change?

I think Susan took the blue sky photo,
I wanted there to be less controversy over where I got the photo.

I am schizophrenic,
I think everything is about me,
It is ugly and problematic 
But in the end there is nothing I can do but cope with it.

I got addicted to being in the top 50
I guess it really doesn’t matter as much.

I am not going to magically recover from this shit.

“Don’t get any big ideas, it’s never going to happen.”

I don’t know.
Am I having issues, or are they?

Some sort of mutual dementia.

I just didn’t take to traditional instruments.
I am not trying to start a revolution.

Rock music is voodoo.
It has always been voodoo.
Are you worried you can’t white wash it anymore?

Somebody is going to take to GarageBand.
Some sort of managed crisis I guess.

I don’t mean to be pushy,
But if I don’t feature it, it never gets listened to.

If you are trying to be objective and informative,
There is no interest in it,
You are wasting your time.

Formulating an argument meant I needed to predict something.

People who don’t want their bread sliced, I don’t know.

Everyone needs validation.
You can’t live on a supposition.

It is not garbage in garbage out,
It is garbage in between.

I guess I have TTD’d  my audience.

I think of a computer as an information pump.

Why should I care?
It is not like I have a career to worry about.

I think Americans need to be thankful they or their family ain’t under a bridge.

I am trying not to go into histrionics cause things ain’t going my way,
But my stride has been broke.
I don’t know if I am going to do anything any time soon.

It was too much, I decided not to use it.

A Paul stretch of No More War.

It sounded familiar,
There was something familiar about it.

Looks like poultry 

It is hard to keep an audience when you don’t know who your audience is.

I have had my internet hysteria.
I was blown long before Facebook came along.

Take a course, read a book. Be constructive with your screen time.

I sense people don’t like him,
But I am not going to complain about it.

It is like learning how to roller skate.
GarageBand just fits the way I learn.

You just go out there and skate.
Nobody claims you ain’t skating the right way.
You have to learn it for yourself.

I have become a managed crisis.

People don’t want their music
From someone who doesn’t touch anybody 

It came from burning the Bible.

I am not happy with the way it happened.
I shouldn’t be able to do this.
I blame the medication.

As long as you are not in the hospital, they don’t care.

It was done by some higher operative,
I don’t understand why it was done.

How does T. S. Eliot know the way the world ends anyway?

I tried, but you weren’t having any of it.

My skills are illegitimate.
There is no role for me on the team.

They won’t let me on the porch cause they are worried for my safety?
Or are they mad at me for dumping?

It is about the algorithm.
Who is with it and who ain’t.

Are you serialized?

If you are not an individual,
They don’t have to waste teraflops on you.

I just don’t fit the bill I guess 

Thursday, July 1

Secular Pornography

I am burning in my own way

We all share responsibility 
Something is not letting me feel it.

Confront me with it.
People are angry.
They think I am getting away with things.

There is something valuable about me.

I don’t know why they are carrying me.
There is something beneficial about me.

More like the toothless ogre that puts the star on the tree.

Give people ideas and let others be the band.

I don’t appreciate how this rumbling has affected my ego.

It has made me think different about myself.

How does a low pressure system turn into a hurricane?

You can’t remove the monument of what past generations have left us with.

Lead Over Virtually Everything 

People don’t have a choice no more.

It is one thing to put it in your wine,
It is another to put it all over everything.

I guess we will have to learn to live with it.

What if it were decided we needed lithium,
And lithium was put all over everything?

It is some sort of math I am doing, I don’t know.

We are playing loose with chemistry.

My music is sort of blocky.
It’s like playing with lego’s

It doesn’t benefit me as an individual to bring this stuff up.
I keep thinking I can bring people together.
I don’t think that is going to happen.

We need to take a step back.
We are not in our right mind.
Nobody is.

There is lead all over everything,
And you are being hysterical.

Don’t do the brown acid you know.

I like to rub my cuticles.
I pick my nose too.

If you think God needs Donald Trump 
You have totally missed the boat.

I might be doing work,
But God doesn’t need me.

“Life goes on within you and without you”

It is brown acid,
And they know it’s brown acid,
And they keep giving the brown acid
And no one questions whether it’s brown acid or not.

Different keys sound different,
But I can’t identify them yet.

Than Wikipedia is lying.
625 times the lead.

Because there is probably going to be a layer of lead in the strata.

You see these documentaries, then they disappear, you never see them again.
Then when you bring the issues up, everyone thinks you are crazy.

I don’t know where I expect this to go.
I don’t think that far ahead.

I was seriously ill.
I needed to crawl in a hole and die.

I was sick
I couldn’t handle shit like that.

If this becomes the apocalypse,
It’s partly because people wanted it to.

The ones at opaque burger are probably going to loop better.

With the energy it would take to colonize earth,
They could create their own universe.

I think aliens realized colonization was a big headache, and they had no need.

If they can come here en masse from Alpha Centauri,
What could they accomplish if they just stayed home?

I don’t think we need to go back to the stars.
I think the stars are right here.

It is a leap frog thing.
It will be interesting if it happens or not.

You can’t go back to the Wild West.
The Wild West is over with.
What do you do?

How do you sustain something like that?

It is not just getting there.
You would have to sustain it for generations.

It would be a one way trip.
We shouldn’t expect to sustain anything.

I think it is an epoch of the universe that is over with.

We are either going to have clean sustainable energy,
Or we are not.

A world is a world.
If it happens online or in a game,
It still happens.

The dominoes still fall

It doesn’t matter if they are virtual or not.

The internet has some residual nature.

I stopped doing the one liners because I worried it took to much space.

2008 was ugly 

People who brush their teeth are worried about vaccinations.
Are you going to hell for brushing your teeth?

There are all sorts of stuff we could disparage.
We don’t need to disparage vaccinations.

We could disparage lead, aluminum cans, fluoride, high definition television, shampoos 
We don’t need to disparage vaccinations.

I wanted to use the word demonize,
But I don’t think you can demonize a thing.

We need a word for it.
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what is thrashed and what isn’t.

I don’t say it is safe,
But it seems just as dangerous as other things in our everyday lives.

There are things in the Bible, that if they weren’t there, would have happened already.
But that doesn’t mean they are not going to happen.

Dr McDaniel knows more conspiracy theories than I do.

I appreciate a download.
I know what it would take for me to do that.
It is very important to me.

Sometimes the only key is a miracle.

It is an addiction,
If you kicked heroin would you go back to it?

These people are lucky they have the right to not follow doctors advice.
If you are schizophrenic, they call you delusional, and non compliant.

What are they going to do?
It is scores of millions of people.

There are poisons in the environment.
Everyone has been affected.

Please don’t make this partisan.
Everyone is sick.

I think it is the farmers who are going to be held responsible.

I think I am never going to sit by a river and play guitar,
But it isn’t up to me is it?

I can follow,
But I don’t lead all that well.

Friday, June 4

Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes

The platform itself is the scam.

The bias is in what is promoted and what is not.

People ask me “what is schizophrenia?”
I tell them if I knew what it was I wouldn’t have it.

Did they find me?
Or did they make me.

People layer their voices,
Nobody complains about that.

Humpty Dumpty says there is something wrong with HD television?

They could put ID tags in any medication.

In a way…
Washington DC is Area 51.

I take my cookie dough
And listen to it
While I watch CNN with the captions on.

Somebody will come up with a life hack
Don’t worry about it.

I am going to take it like they do.
I don’t want people to be nervous about what music they listen to.

I am never going to compete with American Idol.
I am never going to compete with most the folks.
Keep the bishop in check.

If it ain’t safe for me, 
It ain’t safe for nobody.

I am trying not to give people wisdom or advice.

It was some kind of causality loop processor
And those spirits would fight each other
Over who was going to be in the center of the burn

They want it to stay that way.
But Jesus and God say that’s old hat

I don’t know.
It is not enough.
They want me to prove it is over with.

A loop is the perfect place for yzax

And God needs Trump?
And God needs Fox News?

I don’t understand what people are struggling with.

We don’t ostracize people because they don’t sneeze right.
It is your sneeze.
I don’t care about it.

I would bet there is some sensation behind all this.

You can’t fight over it.
You are either with it or you are not.

Being schizophrenic doesn’t mean you are wrong about everything.

Maybe nationwide elected office is not going to work.

I feel I need to be in it.
I feel I can’t help anybody being outside of it.

How do we say the election was fake?
Who would have the power to do that?

What else is fake?
Who decides what is fake?

“I did what I came to do.”
Prince said that too.

Ran across


A lot of shit ain’t being taught.
Talk about this shit.

People are being played.
We have the opinions some agency wants us to have.

It is given a name,
And insurance pays for it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.

I am just saying,
There is some chemical vector to this shit.
It has happened before.

I didn’t know about the Tulsa riots.
The only thing I remember about Tulsa,
Was that huge McDonald’s.

I did not know about Juneteenth either.
Nobody ever told me these things.

I need someone who writes.
I need someone who sings.
And if I am going to be a photographer,
So be it.
We need to be happy with what we had.

I feel there is strong debate,
But I don’t think my stubbornness helped anything.

Lead poisoning is believed to be primarily responsible for the collapse of the Roman Empire

I don’t think we are going to make it through this funhouse,
If we don’t come together.

Lead and schizophrenia

Lead and schizophrenia

Just because you have schizophrenia,
Doesn’t mean you are wrong about everything.

I think I suffer more because I do have a factional threshold.

I am just saying.
Than we need to teach lead too.

We are in a collapse situation.

We don’t need that shit right now.

“lead pollution has increased by over 625 times previous levels in the past century due partly to pollution by leaded fuel.”

I blame the northern industrialists for this.  They could have used something else.  They couldn’t patent ethanol.

Robert E Lee didn’t do half of what Thomas Midgley Jr did 

I think Art Bell turned me on to this shit.

I am sorry 
I really don’t like that guy.

I understand the Lee monument needs to come down.

600 times the lead.
That is the new normal.

Some people like it,
But I can’t live that way,
Something keeps telling me things aren’t right.
There is big argument 

You may like it, and not even know you like it.

Resistance is futile.
We are stuck with it.

Need to know 
Doesn’t stop the need to know.

We have done away with stuff,
And we haven’t replaced it with anything.

You can’t just winnow out the bad actors,
And think it will all work out.

There is going to be a narrative,
One way or the other.

attention-seeking behavior is counter-productive; it’s also obnoxious, rude, and annoying

You’re a special, unique person, and you shouldn’t require validation by comparing yourself with others.

The only respect that you should require is self-respect. The fact that you’ve done a good job and gave your best effort is enough.

I don’t like the idea of ego death

It doesn’t appeal to me

I had a bad experience 

If you don’t leave 
You force other people to be there
And they don’t like that
I guess

If I don’t put myself aside,
It puts people out I guess.

I can see where people would not want to be in my life.

I am not the healthiest person ever.

I keep waiting for brownie points,
But I guess it ain’t going to happen.

Saturday, May 15

Trivial Lead Theory

I am worried we are going to get blindsided by some variant from hell.

Whoever was responsible for for getting opaque burger listed again 
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Four years can feel a long time.
I don’t think young people are going to care about 2020 election fraud.

Can they keep it up for four years?
Is it still going to be pertinent?

I am centered on lead
I think lead is the cause of everything.

Think 88 to 92
Or 2004 to 2008

Is Trump the end all be all of our democracy?
Surely there are other conservative leaders out there.

I give him credit he beat Hillary,
But that was 2016.

I am looking for the republicans to move on.

I don’t think the Hillary folks and the Biden folks are the same people.

The Democrats woke up and moved to the center.

I remember in third grade, I didn’t do my homework.
My teacher was going to flunk me,
And I had to do the whole book.

Lead is a bigger problem than is admitted.
It is thought it will just become the new normal and no one will notice.

I don’t know about aerial phenomena,
But there are beings that want to work their way into our lives,
And the only way they can is if we allow them to.

They should not be confused with aerial phenomena.

Is it just schizophrenia?
I don’t know.

Look at QAnon.
Look at the power they are giving Q.
Is that schizophrenia?

Dangerous antediluvian entities.

It is difficult to talk about without being confused as to which side you are on.

Maybe that is why we have a new covenant.

I am schizophrenic.
I think weird stuff.

It is not just lead in the water,
Burning leaded gasoline has put a layer of lead on the whole planet,

And I was out there riding my bike in it,
Playing in the dirt where dad used gasoline to clean his paint brushes.

I might have done things wrong,
But I can’t fix that shit.

I don’t know,
She has some entitlement
And I am supposed to fix it.

I don’t want to get caught up in something,
I am never going to fix.

These kids are going to make their own blockbusters
By the time they are 50

I didn’t mean to dump anybody.
It was stimulation that I could not handle.

They put me in a padded room because I couldn’t handle buzzers.
How am I supposed to handle dove shots, or the radio?

Not interested in solving anything.
Just want to punish people.

We had a tinderbox of prisons and nursing homes 
And we are worried about how this virus started?

I am less than professional,
Because I don’t take myself seriously?

People see the stage being set,
And they are not being rational.

Can lead poisoning cause psychosis?

Children and adults who inhale the fumes from leaded gasoline may develop symptoms of psychosis in addition to typical symptoms of lead poisoning. Some symptoms may diminish if exposure to lead is stopped, only to worsen again if exposure is resumed. The diagnosis of lead poisoning is based on symptoms and a blood test.

Wednesday, April 7

Stinky and Weird

The kids like it loud.
They don’t even care if it’s not in stereo 
They just want it loud.

I am very good at cut and paste,
But it’s not a club skill I guess 
More of a producer thing

Maybe they will download it just to be able to loop it

It sounded like it said Egg War
I dont know
I didnt think it was a big issue
I thought it was like music where you cant copyright a title
like major tom

I am afraid to put anything on you tube now

Could I name my clip “civilization” ?

It ain’t “angry birds”

I consider people are lifting my titles.

Everything is a subscription.
I already have several I don’t even use.

I like m4a
I like that the artwork goes with it.
It looks good 

If they hear one thing
And they don’t like it
It is hard to get them to come back

I can’t criticize the people who think the election was rigged.
I don’t think I am getting accurate numbers either.

I don’t hear that third chord.

I guess it’s hard to find without words.

You can get every album ever made on YouTube.
Wes, that is his only outlet for anything.

Most people used to buy albums, if they liked two or three of the singles.
If you are going to be an album listener, you need to let the dog bite.

You ain’t going to like it on the first go round.

I remember listening to Tommy and wondering what was this stuff I wasted 20 dollars on.
But now I like listening to the whole thing.

It would be sad if we lost that.

We didn’t have the world at our fingertips.
If you bought an album you didn’t like,
You were stuck with it.

"I believe that entertainment can aspire to be art, and can become art, 

but if you set out to make art you're an idiot."

Steve Martin

I guess I am an idiot Steve.
I don’t think I ever meant this to be entertaining.

I am giving back.
Social Security has spent hundreds of thousands on me.
I am lucky.

Am I the only one stressing the potential of this iPad thing?

I am not trying to be pretentious.

Is my psychosis white privilege?

Is the flag racist?

It took hours to make that YouTube post.
I had to shake the mouse every minute or so so it wouldn’t crash.

I think if I want people to listen,
I have to listen to other people.

I could buy it if it was a couple hundred.
It is this nothing that I ain’t buying.

Dragon Lady doesn’t like me.
I am on her shit list.

A certain future is no different than the past,
It is time reversal,
It is not a good thing.

Should I listen to my own shit,
Or should I watch CNN?

I watch CNN with the captions on,
But I listen to my own shit.

Why would they do something like that?
Are they just trying to keep me down?
What is their motivation?

If I get 10 or 15 views over there on YouTube I’ll put up Fourth Generation.
But it would take a couple days,
And I ain’t wasting my time

I am just another John Wayne.
I am just another shithead with Beatle issues.

I lost the file name.
I can’t control the file name blogger gives a page.
I was trying to get it listed.
I am sorry.

I am being disruptive.

breaking a disruptive technology into the market is never easy

I don’t think it could ever replace my Social Security.
Friends would be worth more than the possible money.

If you consider $500/month, a decent number, You would need 500,000 visitors/month to your personal blog

Dad tried to talk to me back before Theresa died.
People have conversations with me that I don’t remember.
So I can’t get mad and blame everyone.

I don’t know what it is like.

My delusions aren’t so fixed, they evolve,
And I may not feel persecuted so much.

13000 is still successful for a blog such as this.
Not bad for liverature. 

I don’t know, it could be a serial number or something.
Making a big deal about it is not going to change anything.

I don’t think people appreciate how easy it is to cut and paste with GarageBand.
The way it quantizes everything makes it terribly easy.

I don’t know.
I would have to have something notarized by God himself.

He wouldn’t want me to fix something 
He knows was caused by lead.

She had some type of entitlement, I don’t know.

This is all new.
I don’t think they know what to do with me.

They play proof games with people,
And get concerned when people believe a big lie.

A lot of time people get help cause they feel safe,
And they end up loosing everything.

Letting go of your coping mechanisms can be a disaster.

This has been going on for decades.
There is no colloquial truth.

Centered, intermediate.

I watch it because it is live.
It feeds my paranoia because it is live.

You put the truth in the center,
And you make people fight over it.

Tuesday, March 16

Three Bubbles

Links don’t last forever.
It would be nice if they did, but they don’t.

The links are probably more valuable than the music.

They don’t care what is five links and a whole process away.

I don’t intend to be on the dark web.

There is no precise chronology of events.
The events themselves have been laundered.
We are all events.

If there is a precise chronology,
I don’t have it.

Because some are going to say God has it,
More power to him, I don’t know.m

Something affected my blood oxygen levels.

I would pray if I understood how it works.

I was doing some cleaning, and I broke the links.
It was my fault.

I am not going to redo it because it would take to much work,
And would be difficult to maintain at this point.

It would be worth it if it lasted 
But it doesn’t 

Just average on the internet,
A link that is a year old is rare compared to most

I am not mad at Apple.
I think they gave me more time than they usually do.
Those links cost them money.

The cloud thing might be a workable model to distribute whole catalogs.
Maybe you could sell the link for a buck or two.
It’s better than getting nothing.

It hurts my back to sit in front of the computer for hours on end.
That’s one of the reasons I like my iPad 

What is going to happen when I am in a group home,
And I don’t have a desktop to sync with?

They don’t have everything 

The others don’t loop as well as aiff in the music app.

I don’t know, it seems to me they were lasting more than 30 days, but I never checked.
The internet says google links last forever.

I don’t know why I keep running into trouble like this.

Loops have something to do with scales?

Maybe my ears are not good enough to know stuff doesn’t go together.

Kitaro meets AC DC

I thought Bill Liked me.
I guess not.

I hope I am not on Bill’s shit list.
That is not fun.

I guess my guardian angel doesn’t want me to go down that road.

How do I transfer my blog into something readable and permanent?

It is going down,
This is going to be lost.
All I will have is an xml file I can’t do anything with.

I feel the cold shoulder 
I have experienced this before.

Don’t let your folders get to big

I wanted to have something which lasted
PDF is easier to read big things.

It was difficult the way it was.
It is meant to be skimmed 

I don’t know
Meglodave is a brand now
Others would be glad to have it.

You find stuff when you aren’t looking for it,
And you solve stuff when you rest on it.

It’s been 20 years over there on soundclick 
And the shit is still there

That is how I know people are reading it,
But they dig up the worst things 

I didn’t think I used her name.
I apologize.

Not bad for a sub genre I probably don’t even belong in.

Thursday, January 28

Choral Hydrate

Everyone launders 
You don’t get paid if you don’t.

COVID is going to be with us.
Every time you get a dry cough you are going to be worried about it.

Come clean 
Don’t wait till the stones start falling.

My story is my story.
Don’t concern yourself about it.

I like reading the captions.
I don’t know what it does for me.

It is a concept.
It is struggling like any other concept.
It doesn’t want to die.
Remembered, not forgotten.

Computers are bad.
If you are using a computer, it is a bad thing.

Who are the mentally ill going to be?

There are shocking revelations to be had,
That aren’t foolish or crazy.

Tried to sink me like the Liberty.

Is there a difference between contradiction and hypocrisy?

I guess the pressure was to find illegitimate actors,
And I got caught in the mix
My family got caught in the mix

Let him reveal whatever the heck he knows,
And let’s get past it.

If the kids don’t buy it, Walmart doesn’t sell it.
Angry people upset the world is not about them anymore,
That they have been duped.

I am worried if we don’t respond,
It’s going to come back even stronger.

What if Abbie Hoffman had done it?

Radio is weak.
I ain’t getting nothing from the radio anymore.

It is not just our distribution networks anymore.
Things that have worked well for decades are failing.

I think we went headlong into this “brave new world”
And never really thought it through.

I would be the next one,
And he is clearly better at it than I am.

I might infer very well,
But it is still an inference.

I just wanted a good experience.
I didn’t mean to be angry at you.

It would hurt me deeply if anyone had ptsd over me.

I stopped watching Fox News in August.
I felt they were scaring people.

News outlets have become the place where you build your demographic.
It’s not about news anymore.

People spend hundreds of dollars,
And all they do is Twitter and Fox News.
They pay to program themselves.
They think their country is being stolen,
When it is their soul.
It is sad.
There is so much more technology could be 

CNN actually covered the conventions compared to the other two,
And dad seems to like CNN,
I felt I needed to pick one.
So I did.

The news cycle isn’t driven by votes.
It is driven by advertising.
I don’t think they ever really considered about elections.

We spend hundreds of dollars,
And the shit has control of us,
Not the other way around.

I would like to frame it as some big patriotic decision,
But it wasn’t.

Why is this shit selling?
Why are people scared for the kids?
X Files?
They see what was done to them.

You put yourself in
And then it turns on you.

Does she deserve her reputation?

Do I deserve mine?

I ain’t steering the boat.

Satanic Jokes are being played on everybody.
It ain’t a black white thing.

Everyone has a lens

Automobiles are a satanic joke.
The space shuttle is a satanic joke.
America is a satanic joke.
That is my lens.

I can’t come up with anything original.

I ain’t going to be stupid over you forever.
When is the ball in your court?

I don’t hold the green light for autocracy.

That is what happens in deep space.

Do we really need to see babies in a delivery commercial?

What is the first word you think of?

I don’t want to cause a riot,
And I don’t really know that much about it.

I am not playing a chess game with you.
I am trying to be one of the good guys,
And you are not helping,

If you don’t know it’s origin,
It is probably a joke.

By the time you get around to remembering stuff,
You have forgotten about it.

They gave me a bottle of choral hydrate.

You have two equally talented people,
And one looks the other way,
Who do you think is going to get the opportunity?

They didn’t want to give Richmond the satisfaction 
Of being the center of the controversy.

What is a navigable boom?

Origins of the American flag 

And my clover stands for 4 Chan.

There is more to it than that.

There is something going on.
People are no longer going to accept dog chow.

It is falling apart, and it is worried how to frame it.

I say it’s not about 4 Chan,
You may say it obviously is,
And we could argue till we are blue.
But it isn’t going to change anything.

Take control of what you listen to.

It would be better for everyone if I could get my head above water.

What is going to happen post Q?
Nobody is going to have the same forum again.

It must benefit them in some way.

I would not be surprised.

You see stuff on tv
And then you can’t find it anymore 
And you are called delusional 

I need to have something available in the usual outlets.

Stuff needs to change 
I can serve you 100 mb in 3seconds

It could take all day to dig through what you can download in 3 seconds.

Seems to do better in safari 

i cant guarantee that google hack is going to last forever

Thousands of artists that can’t get in front of anybody without putting up a fortune.
People like to dig and find stuff.

I’m sorry it doesn’t look like google wants to play.

I am not happy with it, I think it’s hard to find.

You have to jump through 3 or 4 hoops but you can get it unto ipad

It is not easy.  I am not happy with it.  Maybe it works better in android.

I have a 10 dollar computer that I touch once or twice a month because iPad doesn’t do what it should.

I just wish I could be one or two clicks away like everybody else

Christian nations are secular  If you want to mix religion and politics  Follow Islam  You can’t fight it That’s what they want you to do Th...