Monday, May 6

The Tea Transformation

A brainwashed R2-D2

I pre think stuff all the time,
Does that mean I am the originator?

I am not going to have surgery 
So I can cross my knees

Information only comes from legitimate sources?

I know it’s not palatable 
But to deny it happens is false

It is scary
You believe what you are told
Information from the ether is unacceptable 

Adding 2+2 was my doing,
I make my own inference 

Reverse phraseology is not real,
Individuals don’t receive information from it,
To believe otherwise is delusional.

Some Catholic Jew boy with the name Mallory was unacceptable?

Leave it alone.
Let it settle out.

How do I know pointing at her,
Wasn’t the reason she was mean at me to begin with.

“Clozaril has kept me in a game, I would be more than willing to lose.”

People make an industry 
Of us pointing fingers at each other

Two times
Applied together
Cut the time in half

What is parallel time?

I mean no disrespect 
But apparently it is akin to Native American music.

It is how Jesus feels about me,
Not how I feel about him

ethics tea

There are a lot of people 
Who are concerned God will be angry at them personally 
If they support a pro choice candidate 

You can have all the stem technology you want to
But it’s useless without creative professionals 

You shouldn’t avoid things that seem difficult 
At the highest level 
Everything is difficult

Here With Me

full 16 take 2

It is difficult to make it perfect at 16 bars.
The through length is too long

No one has had the tools to do it easily before 

Satan has big yellow teeth 

The paper had shadowy bugs in it

The phrase  “reverse speech” is copy written.
That is a big joke if you understand anything.

No silly, elementary school.

Why is something environmental the last thing on the list?
No wonder paranoid people get so frustrated.

take 9 2

sixth best

They know they are out there
But they don’t know what they are
Mostly in the past 
They can’t do anything about it

All they can do is treat the symptoms 
And hope for the best

Which wouldn’t sound reassuring from a doctor
Or to an insurance company 

I have respect for anybody who can play golf.

America is going to die in litigation.

I am happy brewing tea.

It isn’t pop music
And you have to put it together yourself 

The tools are there for an explosion.
But I don’t think it is going to happen in America.

They are trying to say
Television belongs in a tavern.

Thursday, May 2

The Manchurian Receptacle

Some people have opinions about stuff that can’t be shaken.
They are terriers.
They won’t let go till the rats dead.
It is masochistic to even be interested in these people.

People have no respect for asexuals 
Most don’t even consider it possible 

Some of the strongest opinions people have
Is about sexuality 

It is difficult 
You don’t understand what it means to be sexual.

There are many who would gladly be asexual 
It is a gift.

What I can interpret 
I can not live that way.

I just shoved my hand in the rack and pulled her out

Trump is going to “win”
And this is the way things are going to be done from now on.

By what standard is anyone going to win?
It will be the Donald Trump playbook from now on.

I considered Venezuela to be part of mesoamerica
People have been watching this for years,
Waiting for someone to do something 

I thought Mesosmerica was different than Central America 
In that it included Columbia and Venezuela 
Nobody asked me about it.

Why would we have two names for the same thing?
Clearly our troubles in the region include Venezuela.

Would they have allowed me to say Venezuela?

Jesus is not going to play word games with you.

It is dysfunctional 
I know what it is to support abortion
Because you wish you had never been born.

I have shared a bucket of chicken with a Cohen.
Both of us caught the flu

Do an autopsy 

It is a big deal
Whether things are independent or not

I just wanted to be an average joe.
I guess we are never going to Disney World.

Do you want to reveal to the people,
The whole nature of our reality?
Who is going to look bad?

Reverse phraseology is ubiquitous in America,
And no one is going to look good.

I can almost guarantee,
The truth is going to hurt both sides.

It has been out there.
I didn’t hide anything.
I have schizophrenia.
Who am I supposed to tell?

I call it “method voting”
I don’t know if it’s real or not.

Very simply it would be voters
Who vote against the incumbent party
And especially the incumbent party has already had two terms

Monday, April 22

Madison Avenue Puppets

People are going to drive themselves 
And brew their own tea

I starting to believe I can brew tea

It is turning into a whole tea ceremony 

The can was kicked 
That is all I am going to say about it

Why is it so important?
You win another day.
We are getting a sideshow.
I need to be quiet about it.

They can’t even get adequate housing,
And we are worried about whether they can vote?

Everyone is nimby about where these people live,
And we are worried about their voting rights?

Do they have an opinion?
Or do they live and die statistics?

If you lie or don’t participate in polls or encourage others not to,
Are you attacking our democracy?
Would you have people in jail?

You can’t have an opinion without a dissertation.

We tell you what your opinions are.

Do you hide behind issues you don’t really care about,
Just because you want to win?
What is winning?
Who benefits if you win?

We might determine who is right and who is not,
But I don’t think anyone is going to win.

It is nobody’s fault,
It is my own stubbornness that got me here 

I have been a loser my whole life.
Winning is not my motivation.

I don’t think lawyers are used to compromising.

If you say well the constitution says this,
Or the constitution says that,
Then it may be an issue for the Supreme Court.
That is probably why they don’t mention it.

It is not my call.

Are other people jamming?
Or is it just me.

Reduce your exposure to reverse phraseology.

Just another Madison Avenue puppet.

It certainly felt that way.

I guess reading would help.
I just plow through and I don’t retain anything.

They had a horse in the race?

You would not be able to silence your enemies by killing them.

I am going to stop apologizing for my music
It does what I want it to do.

The candidates that have won for the democrats
Have not been establishment candidates.

I guess I am more popular with the dead.
This is more than pareidolia

People are on George Noory for stuff that is barely audible 

If it wasn’t for evp 
I wouldn’t have the motivation to do anything 

The “bends” is a not so polite term for being politely asexual.

It would not be the first time something was not intended.

Thursday, April 18

Strange Opinions

Yeah and it ain’t her either

They tried to put the president in a paranoid tail spin.

They thought they could jet wash the president.

It was the Spanish Armada 
It was millennial hysteria 
Move on
Get over it

Clearly something did not go her way

He had problems keeping his composure 

They are terriers
It is clearly a political thing now

Go fry an egg

I think Attorney General Barr is trying to heal the country 
There is no good to be had in pursuing impeachment 

Media outlets have vested their sacred honor to bring down this president 
I fear the roads we are headed down 

They can’t do a u-turn
It just ain’t going to happen

A great deal of political capital has been spent 
It is not just going to go away

The president does not have to prove he is innocent.
If they are going to charge him, they need to go ahead and do it.
Wasn’t there something about a speedy jury?
Why does the president have less protection than I do?

You don’t get to be president by picking cherries.
Everyone knows that

The president deserves a speedy indictment 

Why do they have a Grand Jury if they can’t indict someone?
Isn’t that the purpose of a Grand Jury?
This needs to come to a head,
Or it’s not going to be good for any of us.

This whole thing is leaving me confused and angry

If he isn’t there to exonerate,
And he cannot idict 
Then it isn’t justice

Apparently congress isn’t allowing the president to be exonerated.

Apart from the Attorney General,
Who has the right to exonerate in this country?

Once a report is released,
There needs to be a shot clock

An impeachment needs to be more timely than five years

How can criminal charges against the president occur?
The president has been exonerated by the chief law enforcement officer of the United States!

If you don’t take action now,
The more political it is going to look.

Even if you indict him 5 years from now,
The first witness will be Barr

It will be more difficult to prosecute after what Barr did

Does a statute of limitations
Mean you can sit on something for 5 years?

I feel the president deserves a fair and speedy trial
If they are not going to impeach him, and soon
I feel that should be the end of it

There are people who have opinions on this matter 
Who don’t even know who Andrew Johnson is?

He tried to rush reconstruction 
And the congress refused to seat the delegates he supported 
And he ended up getting censured
Impeached, excuse me.

Andrew Jackson was the president who was censured 
I am not familiar with that

I know indigenous peoples in America do not like Andrew Jackson

He was responsible for the “trail of tears”.

Does it go through the AG or not?

What would yo do if you were a juror 
And the chief prosecutor made a statement like that?

I think the best that would happen was a mistrial.

The DOJ is at war with itself,
This is going to be ugly,
I feel for America.

If the Titanic had hit the iceberg head on,
It has been said it wouldn’t have sunk.

Would Barr have been able to announce the president guilty?

If he had used language that the president was culpable 
Would that be fair to the president?

The whole idea of an independent council
That can’t bring charges is dysfunctional.

How could you go into a trial 
Where you have already be declared guilty?

Is it a policy?
Or is it a law?

I think AG Barr was a jury of one
I don’t think he had a choice 

Friday, March 22

Hoo Wah Hoo

Nowadays it isn’t enough to protest once or twice.
You need to live a life of protest.
And even then the line is long waiting for you to drop out,
And take your place.

Fall afoul and see what your opinion is.

Their own arrogance that it was never going to happen,
Is what brought it about.

I think they doubled down on a perjury trap that didn’t materialize.

It is more than equation that can not be solved 
It implies all of our equations are humanistic.

Tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone 

I like the idea that it is local and fresh,
But I can’t drink Budweiser 
Gives me a headache.

Is it just me,
Or does it go through the hoop faster than it used to

Would you want to work with someone like me?
People expect me to turn green.
I need to be careful 
I have severe paranoia
I need to draw lines
I don’t want to be the Bjork creep

thank you for life

Telling me to wake up

hoo wah

It’s not supposed to be about inflating ticket prices to launder money
It is supposed to be about encouraging people an making them feel connected 

I didn’t take a lot of time on it
My battery was almost dead
I felt the need to create something 
I just threw something together 
I knew it was going to say something 
But I had no control over what it said

Has it gotten to the point
That if it’s not four on the floor
It’s not music?

I consider they are afraid of me
Like I am Frankenstein’s monster
Like I am iron man
And I am going to turn on everybody 

I feel obligated to hold the center 
They comfort themselves by feeling they have no choice 

I appear quite willing to have people walk all over me.

There is still going to be a ghost in the machine,
Whether it is made in China or not

Capitalism has cost us $60,000 dollars a person

We have fiat capitalism, and it’s doomed to failure.

I am against the idea that capitalism is free
Is is not
It has no priority other than profits

Politics is about what we want to ignore 

It is not about what you support 
It is about what you want to ignore

erhu redone

Tuesday, February 12

Ageless Wobble

This is what happens when you watch too much Ancient Aliens

Revelation is there to protect you from this stuff

The idea was people would mark it up and pass it around 

Single notes do sound a little harsh

I could be a priest 
I wouldn’t hurt the kids

It is like a game of free cell they can’t let go of
They are determined to solve it

They are so determined everything is solvable,
They are ruining my life.

I wish it was a hand of free cell,
Then we could prove it unsolvable,
And that would be the end of it.

Just because you can’t be beat,
Doesn’t mean you are unavoidable 

I had my love affair with socialism 

If you discovered zero how would you explain it to people?
Would everyone want you to?
Let someone talk long enough 
And they will contradict themselves 

What can I say?
I like Kitaro.

Wednesday, January 30

Dried Apricots

You should have seen what Evergreen Cemetery looked like 30 years ago.

We may lose the southwest to Aztlan
Some want to see a graceful decline of America
Agendas need to be made plain

America is a social, political, economic and environmental failure?

A racist and homophobic hoard is standing in the way of global socialism?

IfllI wish I didn't have thoughts like this.

Forgive me, there are people who feel that way

I have been trying for years to figure out how to do that
Every since they took Opaque Burger down.
What I really want is to share my GarageBand projects
Let me know if it works or not.

I want people to be able to easily listen to my improvisations as loops.
Things don’t seem to be set up to do that.

They are not songs.
They are improvisations.
They are never going to be played on the radio.
I am never going to perform them to an audience.
They are not structured as a song.
They are for meditation and relaxation,
And meant to be played as loops.

I would not be surprised if people were using them already.

Call it farm use.

Things would be better in the workplace,
If people did not live paycheck to paycheck.
If there was guarantees

People don’t want to quit because they can’t afford it,
And businesses don’t want to fire people,
For financial or liability
So they harass you till you quit

It is considered ok if you are a poor employee,
But it is not

The idea that you can make someone a “team player “
Through harassment is just plain wrong.

The way I remember it
Mom and dad were arguing about it
And I said if people were going to argue about it
I was not going to play anymore.

I think I could contribute as part of a team.

They have better commercials than the hyper bucket.

I didn’t know he had been attacked by an ostrich.

I like dried apricots 
And I wouldn’t want to be a rockstar anyway.
Couldn’t handle it.

Sunday, January 13

Hyper Bucket

When it comes to repetition
Study those that get away with it

Learn intervals and tones
Learn your keyboards and frets

Find an apple loop that sounds good,
And use a quarter of it

Tap something out monotone
And paint it

You can't get muscle memory from osmosis 

It is amazing I can even live on this planet

I think the music is negative and stale

It is very easy to cut and paste in GarageBand

It effectively quantifizes everything
Makes it very easy, forgiving, and productive

Apple has been waiting for me to GarageBand since the 00's
I am sorry it took so long

I can't be anything
They have built a little Idaho just for me.

I just rot here and know never to do this again

I am not into sex puzzles

I know why they do 15 bars now.
Should I keep making my loops?

Why did I become a pet project to begin with?

Paranoia and vanity are not the same thing.

Trying to cure me of narcissism I guess.

Sooner or later you are going to smoke that last cigarette.
If you ain't ready for it, you ain't ready to quit.

It is addictive predatory behavior I tell you
It is wrong 

Everyone is strung out on lead
It is not supposed to be this way

It is prophylaxis 
This is what happens 

All it takes is one person.
And they don't even have to be memorable.

You cant have everything.

I feel a need to differentiate.

Do you think things would have gotten this far
If I was trying to pull a scam?

I feel like you want me to die.

I did sorrow 
I did dementia 
I did joy
I did regret

Self important ugliness 

Computers can be sensitive to sub space communication?

It has been put to me as well

I don't think Russia got Trump elected

I have tackled a lot of things
That in some cases have been fueled by the medications 

They didn't promote me to higher math
Because I wouldn't do my homework 

I would not do homework or papers
And I would get away with it

Something needed to be left undone 

I have given up on some things
But I ain't going to just sit here and rot
I am going to make the best of it
And I may forgive 
But I ain't going to forget a damn thing

It is a similar method I guess.
I didn't know she did things that way

I am sitting on the edge of a superstitious nightmare.

Tuesday, December 18

Create more


I love that I can pick up the iPad and go with it
It doesn't mind if you ain't picked it up in a while
It doesn't get in my way setting things up or fixing it
Finally getting it to work and not knowing what you did
By the time it works you don't feel like it anymore 

GarageBand is far more forgiving than the actual instruments 
Yet it is still powerful 
I would say pianos were probably considered cheating too

I have been looking for that sound for a decade

One of Ken's tenants played guitar over one of my loops,
And I have been trying to capture that ever since.

At first I thought it was a recording issue
But when it came clear I would have to do the guitar myself,
I drew inspiration from Neil Young 

People couldn't use my loops
Because they weren't a standard tempo
Or a standard key

I don't consider 
Anyone regrets as a life choice 
Attending a service academy 

Different things are happening to me,
Because the rules are changing 

It is about the paint they say
You have to start somewhere 

I feel for those who struggle 
It is just not something I struggle with 

It happens 
People forget 
And then it happens again

It is still bizarre 
Even if Apple did do it.

They have been trying to get people to use computers this way
Since the eighties 

They must not like the old fat me.
They think I am a deep state mule.

If it ain't happening in the first 15 minutes 
I save it and move on
Come back to it later 

I have always failed in some severe way

So dense that the horizon is actually smaller?

The event field is some sort of conglomeration 
Of the akashic record and the Higgs field 

Consume and destroy less

Somebody created the blues
And nobody knows who
Is there going to be a place for an octogenarian?

I am human 
I wouldn't mind a paycheck 
But I ain't selling my soul over a paycheck 

I agree
It is sad
The adolescence of the whole thing is ending 

Tuesday, November 20

Arbitrary Rabbits

Having your own email
And having your own email server
Are not the same thing

You can go to gmail and have an email address.
Whereas If you have your own server
You may have a hard drive to bleach or smash

Just another John Wayne I guess
Run of the mill Beatle issues 

I am the village idiot 
I say stuff other people can't say

Thank Jesus for bringing people to my blog.

Sometimes the best way to learn
Is to find it for yourself

How can you stop making sedans?
What are first time car buyers going to buy?

Find a hot spot and then rub it.

I thought if I was in a relationship the shit would stop.

friggen morons
you pigeon hole people and take them for granted
I will remember this

Reality is the consequence of doing It wrong.

I was talking about the math

They have spent their life savings and 
And migrated thousands of miles
How can we turn them away?

I think they have done away with it
And I really like it

The net should be a peer to peer free for all

I remember what happened last time I prayed that.

I find myself thinking there is something I can say
Something I can do
And it just haunts me
And it won't go away

She looks like the come find me girl.

You can't force someone to be happy
If they ain't buying it

I find myself knowing stuff I can't account for.

Monday, November 5

The luxury of an accident

I like that Shania Twain video 
I wish someone felt that way about me.

You have a mandate.
Please do something about mesoamerica.

it is difficult to have blue waves
when we have these 80%  districts.

If you are looking for one that is different,
Don't waste your time.

according to the Washington Post
These were the battleground districts for this election

would you buy that network?

I object to people being modeled like the weather.
Uncertainty is bad for the economy 
But that doesn't mean modeling the electorate is innocuous.

Because I thought I had a future

If you use a word that is on the fringe of your vocabulary like that,
It means someone is reading.

You cannot have democracy without grace.
Without grace there is no democracy.

I am still trying to answer shit that happened 30 years ago 

Why you trying to work on me?
We ain't got forever.

I am the way my family brought me to be,
That ain't right?

I am sorry if you had an accident,
You shouldn't be doing that shit to begin with.

I don't know where you get your information from,
But you act like we have lifetimes to get it right
And I don't think we do.

I have to talk.
There are too many going through this
That don't have the luxury of an accident 

Professor Hawking used to make that hole sign.
It is some inside joke.

I don't think it was a racist thing.
Some kind of where's Waldo 

I have never had much luck with upgradable 
You can't change what generation something is

Maybe Astra Zeneca can help

Tuesday, October 9

Marching On Air

What is eureka displacement?
It feels better in the bath tub.

You ain't making no sense either 

It is like you are dangerous.
It is like you are going to get in trouble if you ain't gay

You have to be careful.
Some people will bring a stranger to a party 
Just to see him get beat up.

It is difficult to beach yourself,
When the medication has you marching on air.

Adopted children are more likely than biological children to have special health care needs, current moderate or severe health problems, learning disability, developmental delay or physical impairment, and other mental health difficulties.

I had the bends to begin with,
But I asked God to take it away from me

Restraint is a disease.

Capitalism works?
Slavery worked too.

It is our hemisphere.
We need to do a better job.

Take it to the fire station 

I was disturbed in my sleep screaming the N word.
I am sorry if anyone heard that.
I don't know why that happened.

I have read the Bible.
I see where God gave us the law
I see where God gave us prophets 
I see where God gave us a king
I see where God gave us his son 
Where does God give us the right to vote?

People are knee deep in it
Before they even know what it is about.
And it is intentionally designed that way.

It is an opinion 
Many people feel that way

I feel people are being damaged by the political process
and they have the right not to vote

its sold as being innocuous
and its not

There is a lot of stuff that way

It ain't the 90's

This shit has been dealt with
Move on
Politics has a need to infect everybody.

You can't force people to carry
That's a right people fought for 

Some people are in it
Just to see what they can make you do

I need more than a sky is falling argument

Hopiland will take you if you walk there

I might make it to Petersburg.

Could you make it to Petersburg?

Monday, September 17

The Principal Reaction


What is the principal reaction?

I was hissed at because my t shirt looked like it said "virgin".
I was put forth as an example of what not to be in the whole triangle.

People get drunk
They fuck
What planet do these people live on?
It is like visiting Sodom and Gomorrah 
And bitching about your holiday 
They wouldn't give him any trouble if he was 10 years older

What are women typically delusional about?
Don't like being called delusional?
Welcome to the club.

They don't have any hesitation calling men delusional.

Have you seen what is on YouTube lately?
It would take a whole cultural do over to fix this shit.

That shit makes Madonna look like Madonna.

It ain't happening in a vacuum okay?

How are we supposed to fix it
When we can't even have an honest discussion about it?

I think women have a broader scope than men do.
I think it's entirely possible its left of center,
And he has no recollection of it.

People are going to have to sign a release 
Before going to a party

They think you don't like girls
They think you don't want it
They think something is wrong with you 

There were people there

Paranoia is not vanity

Has anyone else claimed to have caused it?
Would you rather it be someone else?
It is a chair somebody must sit in.

You can't just be normal.
Normal is something that happens to you
And there is no consensus 
If it's a good thing or not
Some embrace it
Some avoid it
I sense it's there but don't really know what it is

People lose their soul as a manner of course 

I am trying to be nice 
But that's what I get out of it

Saturday, September 1

Tormented Pedestrian

told my father back during the George W. Bush admin
That I suspected foreign powers may take my work seriously 
I am labeled schizophrenic 
Who else was I supposed to tell?

I feel the democrats want America to gracefully decline.

It must feel really good.

I would have to let go of everything I am
And I can't do that
I believe in what I believe in

If you had it your way
I wouldn't be me anymore 

I could make pigs fly and nothing would come of it.

this is for millennials
back in the 90's there was this game called seventh guest
it was some sort of trap and people were getting caught in the game
it was treated as a big joke
I can see how people don't like president trump
but a lot of us are still pissed off about it.
I expected different results.

Was I tagged for being insane?
Or am I insane from being tagged?

Money is redemption in America.

there are people in this world who are different
it would be nice if we didnt have to make exceptions for these people.
but sometimes trying to fix it will only make it worse

It is primal
I just don't have the relationship with pleasure 
I am supposed to have

I would have to lose myself to change it

I wouldn't even know how to begin to feel
The way I am supposed to feel

They must have a lot of boats,
And they don't care about this one.

You have access to all my records 
Sue somebody tt

There are plenty of people 
Who probably think their disability check
Is a royalty check

It was romantic hazing
I was angry at women
I took it the wrong way
I can't fix it

Autistic enough to not fit in,
Normal enough for it to be my fault.

People cannot accept the reality of it.
There has to be some sinister foul agenda on my part.

They are sinister and foul themselves 
And they make themselves feel better
Thinking everyone is that way
Or should be

As a phenomenon 
Just because it only need happen once
Doesn't mean it is going to stop happening 

Tuesday, July 31

Smelly Ballet


 It is the loop for the loops sake.
You listen to it until you can't remember 
How many times you have listened to it
It is called lateral repetitions

I don't need an emotional wringer
I have had enough 
More of my share already

What could be so secret about the election 
That they had to redact all that information?

She plays Lucy with the football.
It is her empowerment.
She is never going to stop.

I see children and people strung out on lead.

They either have no respect for you,
Or they think they own you.
You are a demographic.
Have you ever tried to be an individual?
Go ahead
See what happens to you.

It is good to jam
It is better than driving 

You dissipate yourself

Is it a sin to assert yourself as an individual?

You never break new ground 
If people don't go their own way.
Do their own thing.

It is supposed to be some grand fun thing,
And it is not

apparently the root of the word idiot means
one who does not participate in politics

Why would they need to go to Russia to get information in the first place?

I don't think I want to know.
Fill this rabbit hole and move on.

If they can construct the new normal,
Who is going to know the difference?

I have been trying to find a way to lay guitar down over my loops.
I consider now it may have been already been done.

I can't use the editor in GarageBand 
I like audacity

I don't want to piss off Apple,
But if you want to make loops with GarageBand,
You may want to export an aiff
And do the MP3 conversion with audacity 

I don't know 
The songs will sound seamless in the app,
But when you export them as an m4a they aren't 

He would make this jewelry with glass beads,
And it was pretty and took some skill
But nobody would ever pay for it or wear it.
Except him I guess

Satan interrupts people's development 
To make them dependent

The evp means someone is listening to it

Either we have grand ideals that we CAN live up to,
Or we are just monkeys 
You can't have it both ways

Put two side by side, and cut out the middle.

I'm more worried yzax is going to get lost and never rediscovered.

Friday, July 13

Smelly Roses

Please don't talk about medication like that
It is inappropriate 
In evolutionary terms
It was only yesterday we were worshiping idols

I don't know what is being fought over
Or who's side I am on,
But as long as that damn door is open,
There is a war going on.

Sanity is fluid
At best it is made of glass

We are just rejected people 
That is the sad irony of it all

I want to be creative enough 
That it is their loss if they are going to sit on me

I consider it might be the valley of the shadow of death
I can't go back

Give me a few minutes everyday
And listen and to whatever you want to

It is called jamming.

There are beings that don't belong on this plane
That need you to believe in them

If there ain't no rules
There ain't no contracts either 

I ain't against nobody
I am just for the middle ground

Am I to follow her wherever she goes?
Am I to accept what she has assigned for me?

I have been broken 
I am not scared to be alone anymore 

I don't think they appreciate what they are trying to unplug.
We wouldn't be here if Robert faced the other way.

You would have to be at a crossroads in history to understand.

I haven't sought to impose my will on anybody.

I was 17
I belonged to them
They are pissed 

Other people are going to go through this 
And they are going to be
"You don't want to be like Dave do you?"

Monday, June 11

Toxic Opacity

It The  Observation is more than a tool?

I would do proud Mary
But I don't remember how I did it.

I am lazy
I want to jump right in and create something 

Say what you want,
But at least it's not stuck in my head anymore.

I wanted to skip the learning curve,
But I guess there is still a curve.

Jasmine used to do that with me,
I would pose something that made complete sense
And she would argue with me about it
I couldn't help her because she wouldn't listen.

I know what is wrong with my technique now.

People used to play guitar.
But they played much better than anyone on MTV
And they were not getting anywhere 
I guess John didn't want to be outdone.

Apparently there is an art to not knowing what you are covering.

I have listened to revolver the most
I like abbey road but a lot of it seems undone

85 was different from 95 was different from 97 was different from 2000

GarageBand is the VisiCalc for the iPad.
I wish I had come to it sooner.

I have nothing to lose by being highly speculative.
I feel I am actually being constructive.

I realized I was sick and I was trying to be practical.

I didn't have the virginal experience I wanted or should have had,
So I have it with my music.

Rock is supposed to be everything you want,
But it has been a nightmare for me.

They have pursued me to the point,
I have chosen to be alone.

I am the one who said there were no rules

I am not the one to tell 300 million people they are wrong
I just wanted what I wanted

All media wants to mtv their demographic 

It can't be talked about.
It is caustic.

We need to stay grounded.
We need to stay focused.
What we believe in is very valuable.

She is not a real person.

It is not so bad she felt things had to be done,
It is that most people believe in her.

They would have to admit they were reading the shit.

There is no middle ground?
It is either AC DC or Amy Grant?

Apparently there is a lot of people doing their job.

Thursday, May 17

The Tyranny of the Idiot


Earth one got sucked up into a black whole
and ended up on the bottom of the Petri dish.

Our enemies are nameless
They want us to be angry
They want us to be confused 
No president could face down such criticism 

What is going to happen to the office of president?
Is every president going to face such criticism?
Is every campaign going to have an insurance policy?

I like to upload,
But I am not a big Internet person anymore 

Be positive 
Do good 
Make a contribution 

It was too repetitive 
It wasn't tight enough

because it would only take one completely absurd individual
to screw up the whole thing

This stuff is difficult to read.
I really thought I was making a contribution.
I am coming around.

I understand why people don't write this way.

Apparently there is an argument
And we can't know what the argument is
Or It would compromise the investigation.

There is nothing to give in to.
It is chemical 
It cannot be fixed
It cannot be undone
It is just getting worse 
I understand, but there is nothing I can do about it.
Nothing fits 100% of everybody
Please stop

It's clear the first voice is making fun of me.

Love is what you let people get away with.

I was wrong to think a birth would have no affect on me,
But I didn't know it would do that

I had accepted we were not going to happen,
I wanted to know if you even wanted me in your life.

Saturday, April 7

The Confusion Collusion

If you are going to be a stranger because I said this,
Or didn't say that,
Just forget about it.

I don't clearly remember that argument.
I know it happened 
But I don't remember clearly what was said.

Anger over murderous nut cases is being directed towards me.

Go south
See who your Friends are

Some 14th century fox reality show.

If it is going to burn through Hollywood 
If it is going to burn through Washington 
It's not going to stop for a pink curtain 

You don't run edge on a roku

I don't understand what she hoped to accomplish.
I wish I had never said anything.
I would have been better off.

His choice was to be alone 

Put the music up front
And the television in the background 

Have I said that before?

Probably made a complete fool of myself
Silly to think I could make any contribution 
But I am glad y'all still had that stuff
I hardly know what epr is anymore

Everyone is in a band.
There is a glut of it.
I am having the relationship I wanted with it.

Stonewall Jackson was a physics professor?

It is an assessment.
There is no right or wrong about it.
I am different.
Not better or worse.

God wouldn't pump me full of antibiotics to fit me into a narrative.

God forbid I am pissing people off.
I am going to melt.

Why does anyone need to find me?
God knows where I am.

People pile it on and don't understand why they don't get a response from me,
And I tell them why and they get pissed off about it.
I have an adrenal situation
It is your problem not mine

I read one of his mirror messages once
I like Joni Mitchell too

I want things to be recognized.
I want this to have a name.

"How can I measure up to anyone now..."

If you can't keep a woman satisfied...
You are gay

Our enemies are not targeting the elections,
It is a confusion collusion.
Confusion is a big money industry.
Hollywood and Washington are selling stuff all the time.
We are blinded by who gets elected,
But it's not as important as we think it is.

Saturday, March 17

Safety In Numbers

It You You IJYou 

Apparently if you don't vote gender 
If you don't vote race
You are being duped.

Professor Hawking did it.

I guess that is why we have a tournament.

The republicans presented too many candidates
The democrats nominated the wrong candidate
And that's how we got Trump

Her thought is on demographics.
She doesn't care about the individual.

I am an individual.
There is nothing that can be done about it.
I am sorry if that overturns the apple cart.
I tried to fit into a demographic and I failed miserably.
It is a bubble, get over it.

I don't have a tribal identity.

This is what would happen to a viable aberrant
If there was one.

This is what things would look like
If there was something different about me.

I think they like playing with single celled organisms

It seems, for some, God is about winning arguments,
And for some, it seems, God is the argument that can't be argued against.
The argument of all arguments.
Maybe it's about ending arguments
It all seems foreign to me.

We need answers
Not arguments

Satan is trying to break me
By making me be alone

There is no freedom
If there is no freedom to be an individual.

It is not even my agenda.
I don't know what started this.

I have been under such diametric pressure
That I have mutated.

She would have found a reason to be mad at me.

I fear every president we have is going to go through this now.

Apparently we are not impartial to the arrow of time.

They sell ammo at Walt Disney world?

Nobody shares my vision 
So I am stuck doing it by myself 

I consider, if it is plausible, if it is a simple explanation,
It may be a falsehood, 
But it is not a pathological delusion.

There are things people are mistaken about,
That are not pathological delusions.

I shouldn't have to prove that I am right,
To prove I don't have a pathology

I don't fully understand why I grew up paranoid,
But I do accept I am paranoid.

It makes things difficult,
But I am more paranoid 
Than I am hallucinatory or delusional.

There was some sort of test to decide what they could do with us.
It was clear they considered it a formality.

You really don't want an eventuality,
But if you have one,
It's considered messing with the past to fool around with you.

It is sad when you come to realize,
It's all just safety in numbers.

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...